Innovative Methods of Teaching Integrity and Ethics in Management Education

Innovative Methods of Teaching Integrity and Ethics in Management Education

Peter Odrakiewicz
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61350-510-6.ch034
(Individual Chapters)
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The key role of values and norms in organizational culture are closely related to integrity, moral and ethical concerns and should be taught using innovative case studies, video-conferences, role-playing dilemmas, video-interviews, collaborative blog-based methodology, integrity project participation and intensive social media use in management education.
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This chapter seeks to demonstrate the innovative ways of integrity teaching and integrity education management in colleges and universities. It is an exploration of learning and integrity competences acquisition from innovatively defined and designed case studies including practical examples (interviews, video-conferencing, web-based meetings, shared workspaces, wikis, virtual meeting spaces, and social and professional web networks).

Impediments to integrity skills acquisition in institutions of higher learning can be the result of the following: poor integrity management, a lack of consultation with employees and owners or their representatives/CEO’s, company directors/, who knowingly or unknowingly perpetrate a toxic management environment as they aim to implement a “bottom line profit” philosophy at all cost. Knowledge and competence transfer delivery in educational settings and in small to medium training service providers, personality conflicts, which can result in people delaying or refusing to communicate a philosophy of integrity in the managerial process; and the personal attitudes of individual employees, which may be due to lack of motivation or dissatisfaction at work can lead to insufficient or inappropriate integrity teaching. Integrity as defined in this chapter suggests a person whose self is sound, undivided and complete.

This chapter explores innovative methods of teaching integrity and ethics in management education at institutions of high learning, as well as integrity training programs in business enterprises. There is a multitude of impediments to acquiring integrity skills and ethical communication practices in both educational institutions and in the workplace. These impediments can result from poor integrity management; a lack of consultation and communication with employees; or a toxic management environment often unknowingly perpetrated by owners who implement a “bottom line profit” philosophy. Impediments to communicating ethical standards and practices can be found in individual attitudes: a refusal or unwillingness to communicate integrity philosophies because of personality conflicts, personal attitudes toward integrity and ethics, or a lack of motivation or dissatisfaction related to work. Impediments beyond individual personalities may be the problem, such as language or cultural barriers (Harvey and Griffith, 2002), or ineffective or inefficient efficient channels of communication needed for the implementation of integrity management training and guidance. Awareness of such impediments is the first step in educators and managers acquiring the necessary tools for managing integrity and ethics education and training.

Integrity learning challenges us to face new experiences and enables us to develop a global mindset. Self-examination of values, personal, cultural or organizational, can come from new experiences, from our leaving the safety of what we know and experiencing something new and different. A global mindset allows us to transcend the constraints of our experiences and belief systems and to see the world for what it really is. In order to approach the fast-paced global world, people need to work across disciplines and think holistically. Integrity and ethics education for an increasingly global frame of reference will require educators and managers to inculcate those in their charge with adaptability and flexibility while balancing this with the tools of instilling ethical reasoning and a commitment to one’s own individual moral equilibrium. The process of refining these emerging global integrity competencies will be accomplished through the use of E-learning, blended learning, social media and personalized learning environments. The process of teaching integrity in education and management to acquire global integrity competence benefits from a video-conference and collaborative blog-based methodology.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Management Education: In all business and organizations regardless of size including private, not for profit, public and mixed ownership this is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively following ethical guidelines, striving to create integrity and sustainable organizations caring for their communities as much as possible

Integrity: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change, the quality of being whole and complete

Impediment: Something that makes progress, movement, or achieving something difficult or impossible

Blended Learning: It is identifying how the learning audience can achieve mastery and improve business performance. It is a compromise between (1) business and performance objectives, (2) the way groups of learners learn best, (3) the various ways that the material can best be individualized, presented, and learned, (4) the available resources that support learning, training, business, and social activities, and (5) the ways to maximize capabilities for access, interaction, and social relationships using all communication devices available definition adopted and based on accessed /02.04.11/

Social media: Is a type of online media that expedites conversation as opposed to traditional media, which delivers content but doesn’t allow readers/viewers/listeners/ students/managers to participate in the creation or development of the content

Global Mindset: It combines an openness to and awareness of diversity across cultures and markets with an ability to see and seize the global opportunities, to adopt sustainable and ethical good managerial practices wherever they come from, cooperating globally with a view to benefit of all stakeholders accepting philosophy of integrity in their actions

Ethics: The study of what is morally right and what is not

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