Innovative Marketing in Banking: The Role of AI and Data Engineering

Innovative Marketing in Banking: The Role of AI and Data Engineering

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3172-9.ch020
(Individual Chapters)
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In the rapidly evolving financial sector, banks face the dual challenge of enhancing customer experience and optimizing marketing strategies. This chapter explores the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and data engineering in revolutionizing marketing approaches within the banking industry. The core of this study delves into the deployment of AI technologies - including machine learning algorithms, predictive analytics, and natural language processing - to harness vast amounts of banking data for strategic marketing purposes. This research outlines how AI-driven data analysis enables personalized customer experiences, predicting customer needs and behavior with high accuracy. This personalization extends to tailored product recommendations, dynamic pricing models, and targeted marketing campaigns, thereby increasing customer engagement and satisfaction.
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1. Introduction

The banking business has experienced a revolutionary shift in marketing techniques due to the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data engineering. This article explores the profound influence of technology innovations in the banking sector, highlighting the collaborative role of artificial intelligence and data engineering in redefining marketing strategies. Firstly, we examine the historical background, delineating the conventional marketing strategies employed in the banking industry and the progressive incorporation of technology over the years. This establishes the foundation for comprehending the present transition towards more advanced, data-centric approaches. The primary emphasis then transitions to the function of AI in banking marketing, emphasizing how AI algorithms, machine learning models, and predictive analytics have facilitated the implementation of more individualized, streamlined, and customer-oriented marketing strategies. This section explores many applications, including tailored product suggestions, customer segmentation, and predictive customer behavior modeling, demonstrating how AI improves customer engagement and retention.

According to business, the marketing sector of the AI industry was valued at $15.84 billion and is projected to surpass $100 billion during the next five years. The market is forecasted to reach a value of $48.8 billion by the year 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 28.6%. 28% of leading organizations utilize AI, and the adoption of AI technologies results in a significant 451% surge in quality leads According to business More than half of corporate leaders utilize artificial intelligence (AI) for content marketing, while 73% of marketing directors have implemented AI in their companies. 87% of firms use AI to augment their email marketing efforts. Over 50% of business CEOs employ artificial intelligence (AI) in their content marketing strategies. 76% of marketers utilize generative AI for fundamental content generation and copy development. Australian companies that implemented AI marketing strategies experienced a significant 85% increase in their income as per business The implementation of artificial intelligence in email marketing resulted in a significant 41% surge in both revenue and conversions. By 2027, 74% of marketers are anticipated to use AI for more than 25% of their job. Nevertheless, a significant 63% of marketers perceive a deficiency of specialized knowledge as a significant hindrance to the utilization of AI. Additionally, 35.6% of marketing professionals express apprehension regarding the potential harm AI may represent to their employment. 84% of digital marketing executives assert that AI and machine learning greatly enhance the capacity to deliver real-time, customized client experiences. Also, 82% of marketing leaders list better customer experience as the major motivator for embracing AI.

Figure 1.

AI adoption in marketing


The graph above illustrates key statistics regarding the application of AI in marketing, highlighting the significant impact and growing adoption of AI technologies in this field. The percentages represent either the proportion of adoption or the increase in efficiency or revenue attributed to AI implementation in various aspects of marketing. For instance, it shows a 451% increase in qualified leads for companies implementing AI, 85% revenue boost in Australia with AI marketing initiatives, and an expected 1000% increase in effectiveness for companies adopting AI by 2025 as per business

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