Innovative Language Learning Approaches: Immersive Technologies and Gamification

Innovative Language Learning Approaches: Immersive Technologies and Gamification

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9893-4.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
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The advancement of technology over the past two decades has provided various tools and platforms that facilitate and optimize the language-teaching-learning process using diverse teaching methods that help learners to acquire and understand new knowledge interactively. Despite extensive research highlighting the intersection between education and artificial intelligence technologies, many language teachers are unaware of innovative learning approaches at their disposal. As a result, the potential to transform classroom learning is yet to be realized. The chapter aims to close this gap by providing an overview of the transformation of language teaching experiences in the artificial intelligence age and exploring the opportunities and challenges associated with immersive and gamification technologies. The chapter argues that incorporating innovative technologies in teaching significantly contributes to language learning experiences. The chapter provides insight, more understanding and adds to the body of literature of the study area.
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Traditional Teaching, Learning, And Assessment Paradigm

Paradigms are rules, standards, beliefs, and values shared by an association, society, community, or scientists (Žukauskas et al., 2018). The traditional teaching, learning, and assessment paradigm refers to the conventional methods used in education to impart knowledge and evaluate student performance. Guided and inspired by Žukauskas et al. (2018)’s definition, da Costa Liberato et al. (2018) highlight the traditional paradigm of education as being within the historical context of ‘traditional liberal pedagogy,’ where truths were socially imposed, and teachers were regarded as the sole holders of knowledge. As opposed to progressive education, which places the students at the centre of teaching and learning, the traditional liberal pedagogy education approach values the pursuit of knowledge in a rational manner confined to pre-established truths. In support, (Sullivan, 2015) postulates that the traditional teaching, learning, and assessment paradigm involves the teacher having the authority to define the learning outcomes and decide how students should learn. Teaching can be regarded as engaging learners to enable their understanding and application of knowledge, concepts, and processes and includes design, content selection, delivery, assessment, and reflection (MacPhail et al., 2023). Learning, on the other hand, is the activity or process of gaining knowledge and skills by being taught, studying, practicing, or experiencing something, while assessment involves judging the amount of learning that took place because of learning and teaching (Enders & Kostewicz, 2023; Napper, 2012).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Gamification: The practice of incorporating and using game design elements and principles in non-game contexts as a way of highlighting user engagement, enthusiasm, and learning. In an educational context, gamification integrates game elements into the design of learning activities.

Virtual Environment: A computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional world where learners can interact with computer-generated content and engage in language activities that mimic real-life situations by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a virtual reality headset or gloves fitted with sensors.

Modal Learning Strategies: Using various media elements, such as audio, video, images, and interactive exercises, to appeal to different learning styles and enhance the overall learning experience.

Immersive Language Learning: A pedagogical approach that leverages digital tools and virtual environments to create an engaging and interactive language learning experience by immersing language learners in a simulated environment where they can practice language skills in real-life scenarios, providing a more authentic and contextually relevant learning experience.

Traditional Assessment: The evaluation and measuring of students’ academic performance using standardized tests, quizzes, exams, and assignments frequently stress factual recall, comprehension, and the ability to apply knowledge in a coordinated format.

Grammar Translation Method: A method of teaching languages that focuses on mastering grammar rules and vocabulary.

Audiolingual Method: A method of teaching languages which stresses reinforcement and repetition by encouraging students to memorize and internalize patterns of dialogue.

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