Information and Informational Modeling in Living Structures

Information and Informational Modeling in Living Structures

Florin Gaiseanu
Copyright: © 2025 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7366-5.ch062
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Information is a concept not easily penetrated in science when this refers to the involved mechanisms in the body structuration and functionality. Limited only to describing the genetic info-activity, a general coherent approach and modeling of the human organism and of the composing eukaryotic cells has not yet been explored, so this chapter is dedicated to this issue. For this, the concept of matter-related information, operating by structuration/destructuration mechanisms typical for living structures, is defined. This allows us to approach/describe the body structuration and functionality in relation to the mind and consciousness, independently on the informational sources and their nature, and to reveal a similar informational system at the human/eukaryotic composing cell level, referred to as metabolism, genetic transmission/info-generation, info-selectivity, and cognitive/sentience/decisional processes, well supported in animals, plants, and micro-organisms (bacteria) by the experimental data.
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Information was not a concept easily penetrating in science, and long time efforts were made to crystallize its meaning during the human and science evolution (Gaiseanu, 2021b), starting from the antique philosopher like Plato, who believed that ideas/forms are the fundamental element of universe, in opposition with Aristotle’s view, promoting matter as basic composing material of the world (Gaiseanu, 2021a, 2021b). Passing by the Maxwell's demon paradox (Dougal et al., 2015; Gaiseanu, 2021a), an imaginary experiment based on the intervention of an “intelligent” demon which opens a small door between two recipient to pass the more rapid molecules from one side to another, infringing therefore the thermodynamic laws, and arriving to Szilard, who resolved this paradox showing that the system receive actually information by such a demon intervention (Szilard, 1929), the concept of information was defined in electronic communication systems by Shannon, in probabilistic terms (Shannon, 1948). However, the role of information in living and non-living systems was intuitively expressed by Draganescu's philosophic view, suggesting that matter structuration is the result of the intervention of an “informatter” agent, able to activate this process, while the structuration of the living systems results by the intervention of this “informatter” agent on the structured matter (Draganescu, 1990). It is still not well understood however the operability of information in the living systems, although its role is acknowledged in terms of information theory, referred in particular to the genetic activity in the cell (Jiang & Xu, 2010), and no a general coherent approach and modeling of the human organism and of the constituting eukaryotic cells was given so far, so the goal of this chapter is to cover this gap.

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