Influence of Instagram as a Social Media Platform on Academic Routine and Schedule of Students

Influence of Instagram as a Social Media Platform on Academic Routine and Schedule of Students

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0855-4.ch017
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Social media platforms have become an integral part of the lives of students worldwide. Among these platforms, Instagram stands out as one of the most popular and influential. This chapter delves into the pervasive impact of Instagram on the academic routines and schedules of students, shedding light on the multifaceted ways in which this visually driven platform can both positively and negatively affect students' educational routine. In the digital age, Instagram has emerged as a powerhouse of social connectivity and self-expression. Its primary feature, image sharing, encourages users to present an idealized version of their lives to the world. This constant exposure to carefully curated content can inadvertently affect students' academic lives.
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Instagram: The Powerful Social Media Tool

“Network is equal to Net worth” a common phrase shared by all the successful entrepreneurs and top-level management people. The concept of networking has been reinvented and redefined with passage of time. With limited resources available, people connected to each other but the geographical constraints limited the expansion of the network. A few people who knew each other would catch up with each other and spend time after the work. While men enjoyed the meetings with a dose of drink to make life pleasurable, the women would spend lots of time garnishing it with heavy of gossips. The ultimate motive was sharing of information. Any activity of a certain household, good or bad, would become talk of the time within a short period of time. This was the power of network. Without modern amenities, information reached far and wide through proper networking channels. The concept of monetisation of network was conceptualised much later.

Social media changed the way people communicated, and revolutionised the way individuals connected regardless of the location (Saiku, et al., 2019). With growth of networks, the technology also grew and concepts of Social networking, and Internet of Things (IOT) has evolved. Social media primarily broke all geographical barriers and made the entire world a small market place. People belonging to any country could communicate, coordinate and execute their business with any person in the world. It also played a pivotal role in improvement of networking channels. This growth of networking gave wings to people to soar high in the sky. The major reason for success was pinpointed as the networking culture. Many businesses built on the concept of networking proved to be a highly successful venture. Due to this, more and more people were attracted towards this kind of business model.

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