Inclusive Practices in Higher Education and Workplaces Strategies for Empowering Women

Inclusive Practices in Higher Education and Workplaces Strategies for Empowering Women

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0102-9.ch012
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This book chapter addresses the shifting landscape of inclusive practices in both higher education and workplace contexts, with a specific focus on strategies targeted at empowering women. It looks into the multiple facets of gender equality, covering the historical context of gender inequality, contemporary issues encountered by women, cross-cultural viewpoints, success stories, and best practices. The chapter underlines the crucial importance of intersectionality and mental health support in establishing an inclusive and equal environment for women. By studying and praising these inclusive traditions, this chapter strives to provide a thorough knowledge of the challenging journey towards gender equality and the empowerment of women in many cultural contexts.
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In the ever-shifting terrain of the contemporary world, the goal of gender equality and inclusivity has crossed geographical, cultural, and socioeconomic boundaries to become a thundering imperative. This quest strives to overcome historical injustices and establish a global reality in which individuals, regardless of their gender, are able to contribute fully to the intricate fabric of society. Despite remarkable improvements in recent years, women continue to contend with persisting hurdles that prevent their full empowerment and involvement in educational and professional domains. This chapter strives to engage in a comprehensive examination, digging deep into the various facets of inclusive practices within the realms of higher education and businesses. It is vital to stress that this attempt is genuinely anchored in a profound commitment to empowering women on a worldwide basis. Over the years, the roles and achievements of women in education and employment have experienced profound and astonishing alterations (Bartels et al, 2021). With persistent tenacity, they have destroyed barriers and busted through glass ceilings in sectors that were formerly entirely male-dominated. These outstanding feats not only deserve recognition but also serve as sources of inspiration for future generations. Yet, the longevity of certain hurdles underlines the importance of a more comprehensive examination, a more in-depth analysis, and a joint effort to destroy the remaining barriers. At the heart of this book chapter is the awareness that gender equality is not a set destination but an ongoing, dynamic journey. To reach its ultimate vision, we must cross a multidimensional maze of hurdles, prejudices, and structural inequities that continue to cast shadows on the path of women's advancement. This trip is not linear but packed with twists and turns, and it is within the subtleties of these complexities that our exploration finds its purpose.

The foundation of our investigation is profoundly entrenched in a profound dedication to unraveling the numerous layers of inclusive practices. These practices are not monolithic but ever-evolving and diverse in their forms. They offer a key conduit through which the empowerment of women is not just an abstract concept but an actual reality. Our purpose is to unearth these practices, illuminate their subtleties, and systematically analyze their usefulness as transforming agents in the unrelenting pursuit of gender equality. Higher education serves as a significant battleground where the battle for gender equality unfolds (Rose, 2018). Women's access to quality education and their engagement in academic pursuits have made considerable progress, however, various barriers exist. Women suffer discrepancies in enrolment, graduation rates, and fields of study, underscoring the need for gender-inclusive procedures. While it is exciting to watch more women pursuing degrees in traditionally male-dominated professions such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), a gender gap still looms large in these areas (García-Holgado & García-Peñalvo, 2022). This chapter tries to study the numerous elements of inclusive practices in higher education, attempting to analyse the barriers that limit women's advancement, and putting light on measures that might be applied to bridge this disparity. The workplace, like higher education, is a crucial battleground for achieving gender equality (Kandrichina et al, 2016). Women have made great breakthroughs in different professions and businesses, displaying their aptitude and talents. However, discrepancies in salary, representation in leadership roles, and the continuation of workplace harassment remain topics of considerable concern. In the aftermath of the #MeToo movement and increased focus on gender diversity in corporate settings (Alaggia et al, 2020), the globe is witnessing a growing awareness of the importance of inclusive practices in the workforce. The issues experienced by women in higher education and the workforce are not isolated to a specific nation or region but resound across borders. Achieving gender equality is not just an issue of justice but also a driver of economic and social growth. Empowering women internationally is not simply an ethical commitment but a practical need for creating a wealthier and equal world.

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