In the Green Logistics Vision: The Zero Waste Goal With Recycling Logistics

In the Green Logistics Vision: The Zero Waste Goal With Recycling Logistics

Emine Kavas
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1397-2.ch020
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In this chapter the studies made on an international level in line with the zero waste goal with recycling logistics in green logistics vision are examined. Businesses acting sensitive to the changing environmental conditions, adopting the zero waste with recycling logistics in green logistics vision in line with their development goals are within the contemporary production targets. In a global view, the goal is both creating a livable world and reducing the life cycle costs. In this regard, the chapter researches the status of the recycling logistics to create awareness on the role and importance of the logistics services and operators in the waste industry. Also, to scan the available literature with the reported applications in the less-developed countries in line with the zero waste goal with green logistics vision and to emphasize the importance of these applications.
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The technological developments, industrial breakthroughs and increasing population in the world brought forth the consumption is polluted the environment. The developed countries, in order to resolve the waste problems raised due to the consumptions, took important steps, whereas in the economically developing countries this issue is still a problem. In the fight against waste in the green logistics vision, the fundamental element is to reach the zero waste goal. In this regard, the approach in the matter of manufacturing of the products as not to damage the environment with the thought of reusing them, their consumption, processing, storage, recycling and disposal should be radically changed. The nature consumed for centuries cannot overcome the consumption anymore in the process of replenishing itself. Thus, for the protection of the environment, green products, policies and behaviors in line with the zero waste goal are needed. All the individuals need to have an environmental awareness. In the green logistics the goal is, as in the other green activities, to use the limited natural resources for a longer time and to minimize the environmental damages. The zero waste goal is one of the most important steps to achieve this. Green logistics application brings for the companies strategies of using air, water, energy, the green and nature more efficiently and effectively.

Waste is the scrap material that requires disposal as it is broken, worn down, out of use or malfunctioning in any other way, unwanted extra substances and wares. The international law regulates the disposal methods of the wastes. These legal restrictions are applied in the social, financial and commercial scopes. The environmental legislation covers the reduction and management of the waste flow, storage, recycling and disposal of the wastes. The priority in the waste management is defined as reduction at the source. It consists of activities designing the prevention of the waste in order to reduce the waste volume or damage to the environment including the design and production of less harmful, minimal material volume and long life products. Prevention of waste at the source provides a series of advantages to the consumers and businesses via reduction of the pollution and environmental effects, energy saving, protection of natural resources. It will be ensured that the environmental friendly technologies providing the reduction of the produced wastes at the source and recycling of these wastes. Thus, it is aimed that a “Waste Management System” that is sustainable and continuously improvable shall be formed and the wastes are used as secondary raw materials or if no other option is available wastes shall be utilized as energy sources.

The important elements in the waste management are to focus on the minimization of the wastes and on the prevention of waste production via reusing the waste materials via recycling. This links carefully the process of redesigning the material, supplier selection, demounting and reverse logistics transactions to the direct supply issues where the produced waste amount can be decreased or the recycling and reuse can be facilitated. When the industrial systems are designed, a series of strategies aiming the sustainable material management, the material flow, resource efficiency, reduction of wastes, protection of natural capital and reduction of the effects of the wastes. Moreover, the waste management as a part of the material flow is considered as a part of the sustainable material management as it would reduce the waste amount, impact positively the resource efficiency and support the protection of the natural capital.

All these approaches are based on the concept of “Zero Waste” where all the wastes are seen as a potential resource and that requires efficient use of our natural resources. These approaches provide that the products while designed for the environment, to have potential of repair, reuse or recycling, and also require that we shall maximize our current recycling and reuse efforts. Zero Waste success obliges that the “waste” concept should be accurately perceived in our society. In line with the zero waste goal, there are many forcing reason for reduction, reuse and disposal via recycling of the wastes. Primarily, it is an environmental responsibility in line with the environmental awareness. Recycling has an economic return. People, via using the materials and products and through waste reducing smart shopping habits, can decrease their spending. The consumption of the natural resources shall decrease.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Waste: Substances or objects that are out of their commercial cycle or utilization chain.

Recycling Management: Plans and controls the recycling and disposal processes for waste materials, stocks of obsolete finished products, recyclable materials, and loading equipment such as packaging, pallets, and containers.

Zero Waste: Waste prevention, high levels of recycling and recovery of all resources from waste; and behavioral change.

Waste Hierarchy: It is defined as the order of the most desirable and least desirable options for the environment. A common interpretation of the 'waste hierarchy' in the EU is: prevention > reuse > recycling > composting > incineration with energy recovery > landfill with energy recovery > incineration without energy recovery > landfill without energy recovery.

Green Logistics: Supply chain management practices and strategies that reduce the environmental and energy footprint of freight distribution.

Zero Waste Management: Achieve zero waste goals by developing zero waste strategy and by integrating and promoting zero waste initiatives (in communities and industry) through waste management policy.

Recycling: Recovery and reprocessing of waste materials for use in new products.

Zero Waste Goal: Designed to be done, prevention of waste, high level of recycling and recovery of all resources from waste; and behavior change.

Waste Management: Waste Management is a management method consisting of minimization, collection separately at the source, interim storage for the domestic, medical and hazardous, and non-hazardous wastes, establishment of transfer centers for wastes when necessary, transportation, recycling, disposal of wastes, operation of recycling and disposal facilities, and the closure, post-closure maintenance, monitoring-control processes.

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