Improving the Power Quality of Rural Consumers by Means of Electricity Cost Adjustment

Improving the Power Quality of Rural Consumers by Means of Electricity Cost Adjustment

Alexander Vinogradov, Maxim Borodin, Vadim Bolshev, Natalya Makhiyanova, Nadezhda Hruntovich
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 30
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9179-5.ch013
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Improving power quality of agricultural consumers by adjusting the cost of electricity is considered. The chapter lists the reasons for the output of power quality indicators beyond the standard values. There is the assessment of the quality of electricity in the Orel region. Distribution functions for distortion of power quality indicators are constructed. The relevance of the adjustment of the cost of electricity depending on its quality is justified. The mathematical model for determining the cost of consumed electric energy depending on its quality is developed in chapter. The chapter gives the method allowing to adjust the cost of consumed electric energy depending on its quality and source of distortion. In the chapter, there is the mechanism of carrying out calculations for the consumed and transferred electric power considering change of electric power cost depending on its quality. The feasibility study of the proposed methods and means of improving power quality is realized.
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Power quality along with power supply reliability is an important characteristic of power supply systems (Vinogradov et al., 2018; Bachmanova, 2016; Kuzmichev et al., 2010; Lance, 2010). The power quality should be understood as a set of power characteristics under which the electrical equipment is able to perform its functions (Kartashev et al.,2006; Kartashev, 20014; Leshchinskaya & Naumov, 2008). It has a significant impact on the efficiency of electric receivers as well as on the techno-economic indicators of electrical networks (Suhas et al., 2015; Vinogradova & Skrobov, 2013; Spiganovic, 2004).

According to Fangxing et al. (2010), Spiganovic & Zakharov (2007) and Vinogradov & Borodin (2013) in the context of modern methods and means of providing PQ the electric power should be considered as a product on the one hand and as a physical concept, on the other hand:

  • The electric energy as a product have to satisfy to certain quality, requirements of the market and differ from other types of energy in special consumer properties: coincidence in time of production process, transportation and consumption; dependence of PQ characteristics on processes of its consumption; the impossibility of storage and return of poor-quality electric power;

  • The electric energy as a physical concept is the ability of the electromagnetic field to perform work under the influence of applied voltage in the technological process of its production, transmission, distribution and consumption.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Technological Connection: A complex of measures carried out to connect power receivers of natural or legal persons to electric grids.

Power Supply System: A set of electrical installations and electrical devices designed to supply electric power to various consumers of electrical networks.

System for Monitoring Power Quality: A set of interrelated organizational and technical measures ensuring the monitoring power quality. Typically, monitoring system uses equipment complexes designed to monitor power quality at various point of power supply system and transfers data through communication channels to the processing center.

Power Supply Reliability: The ability of the power supply system to transmit and distribute the required amount of electricity from sources to consumers at standard voltage levels and in accordance with a specified load schedule.

Power Quality: The conformity degree of electrical energy characteristics at a point in the electrical system with a set of standardized indicators.

Power Supply Consumer: A legal entity or a private person exercising the use of electric energy (capacity) on the basis of a concluded contract.

Point of Common Connection: The network point closest to the specific load of a user, where the loads of other network users are connected.

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