Improving Teaching-Learning Through Smart Classes Using IoT

Improving Teaching-Learning Through Smart Classes Using IoT

Saru Dhir, Aditya Maheshwari, Shanu Sharma
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2169-0.ch006
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This chapter explores the application of IoT in education, focusing on its potential to enhance learning experiences and automate processes. Smartphone-based remote appliance control and interactive learning are made possible by IoT integration in smart classrooms. IoT functions as a worldwide network, producing data to make our lives easier and safer while minimizing environmental effects. The report emphasizes better learning across disciplines as one of the revolutionary effects of IoT in higher education. Implementation problems are addressed. Additionally, it covers the effective use of big data analytics in education, performance prediction, and strategy adaptation. This study emphasizes the use of technology to enhance learning experiences in order to maximize the potential of IoT in education. Methods of collaborative learning are recognized as essential components in improving students' learning capacities. This research contributes to maximizing the potential of IoT in education and highlights the significance of leveraging technology for enriched learning experiences.
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The phrase “Internet of Things” (IoT) refers to the worldwide interconnection of various physical items and gadgets. The education sector has embraced a cutting-edge approach known as smart classes, representing a novel vision in the field. Incorporating IoT into teaching and learning methods is an intelligent approach that involves the utilization of computers, internet connectivity, and projectors. This integration enhances the learning experience by offering a multitude of features for students. The effectiveness of this educational concept spans across all levels, from primary to higher education.

The use of technology in the classroom has been extremely important for educating and connecting students. It has had a significant influence on the field of education, not only transforming traditional teaching methods but also bringing about changes in the infrastructure of educational institutions.

It was also a major factor in bringing about the digital revolution. They encompass a wide range of technologies, from smart devices to high-speed internet, mobile applications, and cutting-edge research in emerging fields. These technologies are not only instrumental in fostering a competitive and inclusive information society but also in advancing all sectors of the economy, including education. Given this, it becomes imperative to transform the field of education to align with these priorities.

To improve employability and ensure that individuals are equipped with the necessary digital skills, significant changes need to be made in the education system. This entails adapting the way we train students, particularly to cater to the needs of the digital generation. As IOT becomes increasingly prevalent across various social and economic domains, including education, it has prompted substantial transformations in the way these areas operate. The teaching process in schools is no exception.

Modern education systems recognize classrooms as essential requirements. Numerous advancements in commonly used technologies have emerged, offering opportunities to enhance and optimize classroom environments. These developments aim to create better and more intelligent learning spaces.

Smart classrooms are lecture halls and classrooms that have been technologically improved to support cutting-edge teaching and learning techniques by integrating computer, multimedia, and network technologies. When it comes to intelligent virtual classrooms, the teaching and learning process greatly benefits from the use of the Internet of Things (IoT). It enhances the flexibility of educational delivery, enabling learners to access knowledge anytime and from anywhere.

Additionally, students benefit from educational programs and assignments that contribute to their learning outcomes. The acronym “SMART” encapsulates the key characteristics of these classrooms, namely: Showing, Manageable, Accessible, Real-time Interactive, and Testing.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a major proponent of the idea of e-learning. Electronic tools and gadgets have taken the place of traditional methods requiring books and papers, providing a huge change for students and enhancing their interest in the method of education. Students can now engage in more interactive participation thanks to the integration of intelligence into learning. The introduction of new learning techniques can aid students who find the old pen-and-paper method monotonous by reducing their boredom and encouraging focus and attention. Students’ attention levels have increased as a result of the use of technological devices in school. In order to ensure successful adoption, student-centered strategies like project-based learning encourage students to become active researchers while using technology as a tool.. Information and communication technology have revolutionized communication, enabling more efficient and effective presentation of ideas.

The Internet of Things (IoT) has found its application in numerous fields, including education. Over the years, technology in the education sector has undergone significant advancements, transitioning from conventional teaching approaches to the incorporation of interactive whiteboards and PowerPoint presentations. The IoT has emerged as a pivotal force propelling the educational sector towards a future-oriented direction.

In educational facilities, IoT technologies such as RFID readers can be implemented to enhance efficiency. Smart classrooms equipped with IoT can enable teachers to manage sessions using gestures, voice recognition, and facial recognition. They can also communicate with remote students easily and collect valuable feedback on teaching sessions. Data collected from sensors and analytics can provide insights into student behavior, interests, achievement and engagement.

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