Improved Privacy of Data Transaction in IoT-Enabled Blockchain Technology Using Privacy-Based Machine Learning Algorithms

Improved Privacy of Data Transaction in IoT-Enabled Blockchain Technology Using Privacy-Based Machine Learning Algorithms

Dhiyanesh B., Shakkeera L., Sharmasth Vali Y., Azath H., Santosh Karthikeyan Viswanathan, Veeralakshmi Poonuramu
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6509-7.ch009
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Conventional models rely on a trusted third party to check the data integrity of IoT data. These methods may not be applicable for global blockchains, or they may be invalid for transactions. Since most of the transactions in blockchains occur via scalable local ledgers that compromises on peer validation of transaction at local/global level. Hence, it is required to have an interface mechanism that enables the security of data. In this chapter, blockchain is regarded as a potential solution to secure the data via IoT supply chains, and a ML algorithm is utilised data. The ML model processes the data management based on the number of transactions, time of transaction, and transaction confirmation time. The ML algorithm is designed with a consensus protocol, which improves the scalability of data via blockchain networks. It helps in integrating the IoT data transmission while assessing the parameters. The results on the piracy of data transacted via blockchain show that the proposed blockchain-based secured IoT data management in telehealth supply chains has a higher level of security.
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Internet of Things (IoT) is a smart object network which exchanges knowledge over the internet. Smart objects are used to capture information and cause those activities in a different environment. The IoT consists of several intelligent items that are collected, measured, and interacted with other objects. IoT has three layers of physical, network and application layer. Recently, a vast range of things have been created that are embedded in intelligent objects (Mohanta et al., 2020).

The improvements are rapidly emerging as IoT sensors surmounts the whole world that tends to create big data. In traditional IoT, architecture operates with same three different layers and the devices with a number of technologies, that enable them to feel the environment and to connect with wired or wireless device, which are implanted at the physical level (Casola, De Benedictis, Riccio, Rivera, Mallouli, & de Oca, 2019; Chen & Lien, 2014; Raja et al., 2020; Siboni et al., 2018).

The intelligent IoT devices tends to change the conventional ways of managing the transportation system in a supply chain management environment. The product is easily placed using IoT technology, its current state, the packaging requirements, and how products are easily tracked through the supply chain. Further it improves the availability of goods, make monitoring easier to carry out the real time tracking (Li et al., 2017), risk management (Tsang et al., 2018; Verdouw et al., 2018), store energy efficiently (Akmandor et al., 2018) and data distribution. This increases the supply of the market.

The computational capacity of the sensors is reduced and are heterogeneous as the sensors are mostly of a low-end one. In IoT implementation, there exist various problems that includes interoperability, standardization, processing, data storage, identity, trust management, integrity, confidentiality, security, availability, and privacy. These are considered as an open challenge for different IoT applications (Colakovi’c, 2018). Confidentiality and privacy remain a major challenge in many systems, where the security and privacy issues are under always under research (Mocrii et al., 2018). Security problems persist in the IoT infrastructure, and the device needs to be resolved to establish user confidence and guarantee a tamper-proof of the system. Hence, the problem of privacy in IoT should be addressed by modern technology (Casola, De Benedictis, Riccio, Rivera, Mallouli, & de Oca, 2019) like blockchains. However, the bandwidth and resource requirements must be considered while ensuring the delivery assurance and degree of reliability.

Blockchain is an auditable, immutable, ledger of blocks used for data transfer and storage (Kosba et al., 2016). In recent years, researcher have gained a considerable amount of attention in several fields (Abramowicz, 2016) because of its exceptional characteristics that includes auditability, distributed structure, stability, immutability and secrecy (Abramowicz, 2016).

The outline of the paper is given below: Section 2 provides the related works. Section 3 discusses the proposed mechanism. Section 4 evaluates the entire work over existing mechanism. Section 5 concludes the work with possible direction for future scope.

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