Importance of Plant Production in Development of Rural Areas: A Case Study City of Smederevo, Serbia

Importance of Plant Production in Development of Rural Areas: A Case Study City of Smederevo, Serbia

Marijana Jovanović Todorović, Anton Puškarić
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9837-4.ch012
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This chapter analyzes plant production from the perspective of development rural areas and it is based on the case study for rural areas on territory of Smederevo. The main goal of this chapter points to the current situation in plant production as one of the most important agricultural activities and that creates the basis for future development. It will be presented data collected from Census of agriculture, yearbooks, and local reports, but also data collected in the field. The authors apply theoretical and practical frame of research based on the case of study, which is oriented on used agricultural land, realized production and yield in period 2013-2017.
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One of the roles of agriculture in rural development is influence on the look and the change of the landscape together with forestry. Because of process of depopulation and abandonment can come to degradation of land characteristics and reduction of land value. Also, with the low maintain of landscapes it’s also threatened the biodiversity and genetic resources. That can bring negative consequences on the future research and development.

There is a list of different types of revitalization (FAO, 2006):

  • Revitalization Through Nature: Preservation of biodiversity (agronomic potential and population density low).

  • Through Recreation: Preservation of quality of life and biodiversity (agronomic potential low, population density medium to high).

  • Revitalization Through Economic Development: Develop rural areas for economic reasons and create synergies with other sectors such as the agro-processing industry and tourism (agronomic potential high, population density low).

Mentioned revitalization implies defining and using stimulant who will animate economic actors in rural areas to invest and produce, through two main set of options for interventions: market-based incentives and public goods-based incentives. On that way can be expected more investment in primary plant production and creating base for development of other values.

Investing in agricultural production and improvement in finding new technologies on the level of local communities has a many advantage. Mostly because that production can be oriented according to needs of local market. That can influence on linkage smaller producers in cluster and building better infrastructure. Finding the way to make enhancing food security through creating warning systems for monitoring food supply and household supply can also be one of goals of development of rural areas.

Response to climatic changes can be one of the measurements of rural development, performed through changes of agricultural management practice, such as:

  • Change in planting dates and row density.

  • Planting density and cultivar choice.

  • Measurement that will effect on limited moisture (planting drought resistant crops, such as sorghum or millet).

  • Changing the way of grazing (which can be positive for future land use).

Also, reduction of reliance on industrial mono-cropping an investment in diversification can be used as a measure for reducing vulnerability, possibility for creating new jobs and reducing irrigation needs.

As a priority in future should ne maximize the role of local communities in order to counteract the effects of climate change, maintain food security and establish possibilities for profitable specialization through maintain a variety of seed types in seed banks that preserve biological diversity and provide farmers with an opportunity to make informed choices

Our goal will be to present current situation on plan production at the level of Smederevo city and its settlement in order to create validate conclusion and recommendation for development of rural areas in this specific case.

  • Exanimated Area: Research has been implemented on territory of Smederevo (44°N, 20°E). According to RS Official Gazette (No 129/2007 and 18/2016) Smederevo has the status of the city and is located in Danube area, region of South and East Serbia. In Official Gazette of Smederevo city (No. 2/2015), on territory of city is located one inhabited area with city character and 27 villages and semi-urban areas. In internal agendas of Sector for Agriculture territory of Smederevo city can be divided on two parts:

    • Šumadija Part: Agricultural activity in high percentage is directed on fruit and vineyard production. This part of city covers territory of following areas: Badljevica, Binovac, Vodanj, Vrbovac, Vučak, Dobri Do, Kolari, Lunjevac, Malo Orašje, Mihajlovac, Petrijevo, Ralja, Seone, Suvodol, Udovice, Landol i Smederevo.

    • Moravska Part: Agricultural area has been used for plant, vegetable and livestock production. This part covers territory Vranovo, Kulič, Lipe, Lugavčina, Mala Krsna, Osipaonica, Tadinac, Saraorci, Skobalj i Šalinac.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Rural Areas: A rural area is an area of land outside the densely populated urban areas in a town or city. Rural areas are traditionally areas not included in the urban definition, and are usually large, open areas with few houses and few people, as opposed to urban areas which have larger populations.

Crop Plant Production: Crop production is a branch of agriculture that deals with growing crops for use as food and fiber. It includes breeding of all major field crops: wheat, corn, soybean, sunflower, rapeseed and sugar beet with the use of agro-technical measures and using the latest machinery. Additionally, using optimal quantities of chemicals it comes to achieving high and stable yields.

Vegetable Production: It is a type of crop production intended primarily for human consumption of the crop's edible parts such as the shoot, leaves, fruits, and roots. This is kind of plant production that can be performed on open filed or in protected spaces (glasshouses and greenhouses).

Rural Development: Generally refers to the process of improving the quality of life and economic wellbeing of people living in relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas. Rural development has traditionally centered on exploitation of land-intensive natural resources such as agriculture and forestry. Changes in global production networks and increased urbanization have changed the character of rural areas.

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