Implications of the Technological Revolution on Human Life in the Digital Future: A Metaverse Perspective

Implications of the Technological Revolution on Human Life in the Digital Future: A Metaverse Perspective

V. Suganya, M. Kalaivani
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1866-9.ch001
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The digital future is rapidly approaching, characterized by technological innovations that promise transformative changes across various facets of human existence. At the forefront of this digital transformation is the emergence of metaverse platforms—a convergence of virtual reality, augmented reality, blockchain, and artificial intelligence—reshaping the way humans interact, work, and socialize online. This chapter explores the profound implications of the technological revolution brought about by metaverse platforms on humanity and society. Through an interdisciplinary lens, this chapter delves into the multifaceted dimensions of the metaverse's impact. It examines how metaverse technologies are redefining the boundaries of human experience, enabling immersive virtual environments where individuals can work, socialize, create, and trade digital assets. In conclusion, this chapter provides a comprehensive analysis of the far-reaching implications of the technological revolution brought about by metaverse platforms in the digital future.
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Objectives Of The Study

  • To gain a deep understanding of the metaverse, including its technologies, platforms, and the ways in which it is currently being utilized.

  • To analyse its influence on social interactions, relationships, and the formation of communities within digital spaces.

  • To analyse its role in creating virtual economies, virtual employment opportunities, and its impact on traditional economic systems.

  • To analyse and assess how the metaverse impacts individuals on personal, psychological, and physical levels.

  • To Identify Opportunities and Challenges: Identify the opportunities and challenges that the metaverse presents to individuals, businesses, governments, and society as a whole

  • To provide recommendations based on the research findings, offer informed recommendations for individuals, organizations, policymakers, and society at large.

  • To Contribute to the body of knowledge about the metaverse's impact on human life

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