Implementation of Machine Learning Techniques for Analyzing Crime and Dark Web Data

Implementation of Machine Learning Techniques for Analyzing Crime and Dark Web Data

Sanjaya Kumar Sarangi, Muniraju Naidu Vadlamudi, Balram G, C. Sasidhar Sarma, D. Saidulu, Sakthidasan Sankaran K.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3942-5.ch008
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The dark web is a virtually untraceable hidden layer of the internet that is frequently used to store and access secret data. However, a number of situations have been documented in which this platform has been used to covertly undertake illicit and unlawful operations. Traditional crime-solving procedures are inadequate to meet the demands of the current crime environment. Machine learning can be used to detect criminal patterns. Past crime records, social media sentiment analysis, meteorological data, and other sources of data can be used to feed this machine learning technique. Using machine learning, there are five phases to predicting crime. These are data gathering, data classification, pattern recognition, event prediction, and visualization. Using crime prediction technologies, law enforcement agencies can make better use of their limited resources. In this chapter, the authors show the importance of learning the principles of various policies on the dark web and cyber crimes, guiding new researchers through cutting-edge methodologies.
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A violent crime, according to the FBI, is one that involves the use of force or threats Assault, murder, forcible rape, and robbery are all included in the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) programme of the FBI. The FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) programme defines each of the offences in this way: When a person intentionally kills another human being, it is referred to as murder. The United States Crime Report (UCR) does not include a homicide or attempted homicide that is classified as an aggravated assault. Forced Rape - Forced rape is when a woman's will is broken and she is sexually assaulted. Attempts or assaults to commit rape by threat or force are not included in this category, even though abuse (without pressure) or other sexual crimes are. To steal something of value from someone else's care, custody, or control, either by force or threat of force, and/or by intimidating the patient, is known as robbery Harassing another person with the intent to inflict severe or aggravated bodily harm is known as aggravated assault. Aggravated assaults are typically committed with a weapon or other means to cause death or serious bodily harm, according to the UCR programme. This category includes attempted aggravated assaults involving firearms, knives, and other weapons that would have resulted in serious bodily harm if completed. Robbery is a crime that includes both aggravated assault and larceny-theft. Sadly, these crimes appear to be on the rise in our society. Using data mining and machine learning, law enforcement officials have been able to reduce crime and improve law enforcement efforts.

Rather than being purely personal acts of thefts, a significant number of hacking activities have evolved into well-organized, financially backed players seeking to make large sums of money. Organizational crime's aims range from direct gain to political benefit in this arena. (W. Tounsi, 2019)

As a result of this shift, enterprises must consider modern and complex approaches in order to stay up with the rapid growth of cyber-attack techniques. As a result, a new generation from in cyber security tools known as Cyber Threat Intelligence is emerging, which is attracting growing research interest and security practitioners alike. An information solution that offers evidence-based information on cyber threats is CTI. Based on the knowledge gathered, organizations can make cyber security decisions, such as those relating to the detection of cyber-attacks, their prevention, and their recovery from cyber-attacks.

Social media platforms are regarded by hackers as essential resources in their quest for knowledge and practice on the Deep and Dark Webs. They trade stolen credit card numbers, violated data, and security breaches over these networks (L. Queiroz et al., 2020). In order to establish and expand, criminal organizations depend on interpersonal connections. Through social networking sites and forums in particular, criminals, such as hacker attacks, are able to disseminate their knowledge and ideas. Members can pursue the posts of other representatives who they believe to be trustworthy or knowledgeable on these websites. Another benefit of being part of a community is that forum members within that community have different specialties and standings based on actions and services. By providing a platform for the spread of cybercriminal networks, forums help to foster an environment where criminal activity can flourish. Due to their importance in detecting and alerting organizations to potential threats, these locations are used by scientists and cyber security professionals (P. Shakarian., 2018). It is also possible to continuously develop new security information technologies by studying these Dark Web hacker communities (Chen P et al.. 2008)

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