Implementation of Artificial Intelligence-Based Medical Record Data Management Application in Health Services in Indonesia

Implementation of Artificial Intelligence-Based Medical Record Data Management Application in Health Services in Indonesia

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 7
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1463-0.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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Minister of Health Regulation No. 24 of 2022 concerning medical records mandates all health care facilities to implement an electronic medical record system. Medical data is a major concern, given the position of healthcare as one of the large databases. The difficulty of finding patient data or even losing medical records is still very vulnerable, even though these data can be very influential for the success of handling and treating patients. The ability of AI technology to connect data points faster becomes very important to provide support in this section. Analysis of patient medical record data can be done faster to formulate the most effective and efficient treatment plan. This article explains how artificial intelligence-based electronic medical records are used in health services in Indonesia.
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Electronic medical records as a form of manifestation of the transformation of the national health system in the field of technology are still considered to be a challenge. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 24 of 2022 concerning Medical Records, it is stated that every health service facility in Indonesia is required to hold electronic medical records. Unfortunately, the use of electronic medical records in health care facilities in Indonesia has not been fully evenly distributed.

One of the efforts made by health care facilities to support the implementation of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is to implement digitization of medical records. The shift from physical medical records to digital medical records enables more efficient management of patient data and easier access to medical information. Many factors affect the implementation of EMR in terms of people, costs, devices, materials, and methods used.

The digitization process carried out at health care facilities through this scan uses a scanner in conjunction with the implementation of EMR. In this regard, along with the presence of artificial intelligence technology, the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI)-based EMR applications is a medical application in terms of managing medical record data which refers to the use of artificial intelligence technology to automate and improve medical data processing and diagnosis. This application helps overcome challenges in managing medical records, overcome time constraints, minimize misdiagnosis, and difficulties in analyzing complex data. Firstly, by using artificial intelligence or AI, the process of collecting, storing, and managing medical records can be done more efficiently and accurately. Second, medical applications of artificial intelligence or AI can also provide support in providing more accurate and timely diagnoses. Third, this artificial intelligence or AI medical application can support surveillance and quality control of medical data.

Thus, the purpose of implementing Artificial Intelligence-Based Medical Record Data Management is to optimize the use of health service resources in each health service center, including time, manpower, and infrastructure, through the implementation of electronic medical records. In addition, it can also strengthen data security and patient privacy through the development of sophisticated security systems, so as to improve the quality of health services by reducing errors in recording and managing medical records. Therefore, this study intends to discuss how the application model of artificial intelligence-based media record data management applications in Indonesia. This aims to support the Medical Record Implementation policy in line with the implementation of the Electronic-Based Government System policy.

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