Impact of Workplace Incivility on Employees' Attitudinal and Behavioral Outcomes at the Workplace: Through the Lens of Bibliometric Analysis

Impact of Workplace Incivility on Employees' Attitudinal and Behavioral Outcomes at the Workplace: Through the Lens of Bibliometric Analysis

Ishpreet Kaur Saini, Anuja Akhouri
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6602-5.ch012
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The impact of workplace incivility cannot be exaggerated, nor it can be ignored. Academic researchers have demonstrated in their study that 71% of the employees had faced incivility in past five years wherein the fellow court personnel were the instigators and workplace incivility is a source of job stress. Studies have reported that 78% of respondents had experienced supervisor incivility and 8% had gone through co-worker incivility. The stress released from incivility is not only within the workplace, but it is also taken home by the employees to their family domain which causes family antipathy. Haun suggested that incivility has negative impact over work and family domains as well. Employees who experience incivility hide their knowledge, and also retaliate the treatment they are given in workplace. On the days when employees are treated with uncivil behaviour, they tend to have a higher level of stress.
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Incivility is observed in the workplaces at a greater extend which could affect the working of the employees in the organisation. Incivility does matter. Bibliometric basically helps in evaluating the growth, the prominent authors, trends and the relevant conceptual maps. The aim of the chapter is to carry out a bibliometric analysis of Workplace Incivility in academic research. The current chapter implies bibliometrics review analysis for the literature on workplace incivility and for the same it uses the bibliometrix package of R studio as well as biblioshiny application for the analysis. The data collected and analysed from the Scopus Database. The results revealed that the publications of the research work on the area of workplace incivility are going at a great pace with USA, Canada and Australia as the leading most productive nations. The three most relevant affiliations were from the Bowling Green State University, University of Michigan and National University of Singapore. The Journal of Occupational Health Psychology followed by Journal of Applied Psychology and Journal of Nursing Management are the most prominent sources of publications shifting their focus on nursing while ignoring the review analysis in a general domain. The chapter would help the researchers to understand the concept of workplace incivility and its various dimensions in the academic as well as corporate sector. The Chapter is one of the comprehensive chapters that exclusively analyse the articles published between the year 1999 to 2021 on workplace incivility.

Workplace Incivility refers to Low intensity deviant acts, such as rude and discourteous verbal and nonverbal behaviours enacted towards another organisational member with ambiguous intent to harm (Andersson & Pearson, 1999).The words rude, intimidating, disruptive and undesirable behaviour towards the other person is regarded as workplace incivility (Clark & Ahten, 2011). Some of the examples of workplace incivility are not listening to others, gossiping with other, degrading others (Schilpzand, De Pater, & Erez, 2016). Predominantly Incivility and minor negative behaviours are being ignored and the initial stages and are not being observed and then gradually thy add up and become a great deal to be tackled with. Furthermore, if the organisation does not deal with it at the right time, it might affect the people of the organisation as well as the organisation as a whole(Andersson & Pearson, 1999). Workplace Incivility is been focused way more as prior to the last two decades. It is of great contribution towards the development of the aspects of the organisational behaviour. Studies contributed towards its negative effect on organisation and individuals and also help helped in understanding its factors (Schilpzand, De Pater, & Erez, 2016).

According to Pearson, C.M., Porath, & C.L (2004) Organisational Misconduct and Incivility have few similarities like bullying and distrust but still they are different in ways like: -

Firstly, Incivility is unsuitable behaviour not towards the organisation but only towards the individuals, Secondly, it only involves minor acts like disrespecting or ignoring the other persons in the workplace, Thirdly, the intention behind the uncivil behaviour is not to harm the other person.

The Key elements that separate Incivility and interpersonal maltreatment is the notion of enigmatic aim. The interpersonal maltreatment is with a specific purpose or aim and the intention of the person leading to mistreatment is very clear whereas in the case of incivility it is hard to deal with the intention of the person showing incivil behaviour (Sliter, 2013).

The incivil behaviours are palpable in the following significant manners: -

Key Terms in this Chapter

Workplace Incivility: Workplace Incivility refers to the rude, disrespectful and discourteous behaviour at the workplace.

Biblioshiny: Biblioshiny is an application which gets started through “Biblioshiny()” command on R console in the R studio application.

Scopus: Scopus is a multidisciplinary database for quality researches.

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