Impact of Urban Ambiance on the Productivity of the Built Environment Using Cluster Analysis: Sustainable Built Environment

Impact of Urban Ambiance on the Productivity of the Built Environment Using Cluster Analysis: Sustainable Built Environment

Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3856-2.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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Productivity is the key measure of success and efficiency of any process or activity, and it is dependent on a number of factors. The ambiance of cities and the use of latest technology and environment also affect the productivity of the residents working in the city. The objective of this chapter is to identify the attributes of urban ambiance from the literature review and to analyse the impact of satisfactory urban/city ambiance on the productivity of the built environment. The methodology adopted for the study is to collect the data using a structured questionnaire survey on the impact of urban ambiance on the productivity form the different cities of the world. The collected data shall be analysed using reliability analysis, relative importance index, exploratory factor analysis, and cluster analysis. The finding of the study shall provide an understanding of urban ambiance on the productivity of the built environment and the ways and means to improve the situation.
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The contemporary community is viewed in a multi-space sense with which individuals communicate on a daily and regular basis. These are not just the experiences with the shape that was created but are worlds which are metabolised and transformed in an ethos or “atmosphere” of perception: a vivid combination of time, space and place. In many cases, these perceptive atmospheres are not entirely pleasant and result in negative or unhealthy experiences. This paper discusses the urban worlds with which we connect every day to encourage the development of healthy experiential cities. They should pay special attention to how they personalise our hostile and unsanitary conditions and how we cope with them. The experiential city and our modern urban landscapes are a mixture of changing circumstances, which we know through our livelihoods, working conditions and recreation. The densely populated urban grid of the city blocks and laneways offers an excellent playground for the personal physical and social intelligentsia.

The different scales of the design (form) visually target the economic successes of businesses and private enterprises. Such social environments vary greatly in a person’s perception of healthy or unhealthy experiences. Many of our modern urban environments are institutional, sterile and even tough industrialised–they lack healthy spatial and material properties, otherwise available in the natural world. We will define factors that synthesise our balanced modern experiences in order to develop more fitting conditions to improve the quality of our modern experiences. The use of the notion of ambiance enables one to examine normal societies from a sensory perspective and to address social problems from an esthetical viewpoint. To this end, the standard structures of perception need to be extended. The urban life is multi-faceted and relies on a variety of sensory worlds and ways to experience them. This is analogous in all cases to unfamiliarity – breaking experiments – as a tool and as a way to move emphasis, such as field anthropologists in the into urban community, as it includes attempting to dissolute assumptions, an attempt to shake up existing definitions, a certain “sensorial transition” (Rimbaud). We need to underline the value of the creation of an approach that is considered to be a simple and obvious way of dealing with the world. In other words, dealing with urban cultures involves the ability to communicate with and among various forms of being in the world.

In the era of exhausting natural resources, developing worldwide environmental change, corporate social responsibility & demands for ecologically friendly solutions, several organisations are progressively dedicated to developing new ways of producing & operating the building. Talking about new ways of developing a building, the decision is to create & develop green building which is not only the need of the hour but also represents a timely business decision & a good investment. In addition to other things, green buildings are considered more productive & more aesthetic for the occupants. Nowadays, organisation focus on activities that ensure that the land and building asset base of an organisation is optimally structured in the best corporate interest of the organisation concerned, aiming to maximize human interaction with the organization. In the present era, the profession of corporate real estate and workplace encompasses business strategy for companies which is based on three important factors- that is,

  • 1.

    How and where people work,

  • 2.

    How it affects people, productivity, profit,

  • 3.

    And increasingly important - the planet.



When we understand how we perceive our physical environment, we have to first and foremost appreciate our environment by primarily using our mind and body. Our social perspective is dependent on several key factors: at a specific time, we live in the world, we create a “sense of place” in our memories and imagination, and our external envelopes encapsulate them. This phenomenological interpretation of our eternal nature illustrates a “body-centred” style of our place in this world. Security is the key concern of every individual irrespective of gender, location or financial status. The sense of security builds dignity and confidence to do better in life.

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