Impact of Surya Namaskar Yog on QoL of Employees: An Empirical Study Following Industry 5.0 Standards

Impact of Surya Namaskar Yog on QoL of Employees: An Empirical Study Following Industry 5.0 Standards

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2109-6.ch018
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In industry 5.0, which practices, skills, or traits of employees matter most for stress-free life? Does the observability of these features affect appropriately companies' progress? Poor quality of life (QoL) is caused by high cholesterol, hypo- and hyperthyroidism, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and other conditions. The beginning of lifestyle illnesses is linked to a sedentary lifestyle and stress. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of Surya Namaskar Yog on the QoL of industrial employees. Surya namaskar yog works as the smart therapeutic potential and acts as an alternate therapy. The research method used in this research is a quantitative-experimental method to determine whether survey or experiment results are significant, ANOVA test was performed. The measure for quality of life as prescribed by WHO in “WHOQoL-BREF” has been chosen as the QoL indicator in this study. This scale has been used in numerous other studies also, however none of researchers have applied it to the industry 5.0. for industrial workers.
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Yoga is a great anti-stress remedy in the present times. One of the oldest known techniques for achieving a state of ‘flow’ is the various yoga disciplines developed in India about 1,500 years ago. Fads in exercise and modes of stress relief come and go, but yoga remains a rock of stability - more popular today than it has been in the 4,000 years of its existence (Sharma, S. K.,et al., 2022) Here is an ancient system that seems to be just the right medicine for stressed-out modern people in the last decade of the twentieth century. If any of man’s philosophies and practices have stood the test of time, it is yoga. Yoga is, without a doubt, the oldest form of personal development in existence. Writes Ronald Hutchinson, founder of the magazine, Yoga, and Health: Yoga works (Sagar,S., et al., 2022).. Nothing which did not work could survive for so long. Its continual evolution makes it unlike religions, which tend to become fossilized around the sayings of their founders. Millions around the globe are regular practitioners of yoga which, indeed, seems flexible enough to meet a variety of needs of a variety of people. It has found abode even in the present-day corporate boardrooms. There is probably no system of physical exercise that can tone muscles and enhance flexibility with less pain, strain, and danger of serious injury. There is probably no safer way to relax and calm the mind than yogic breathing and meditation (So-ham Ramban Kriya) . Yoga teacher (Sharma, A. P. S.,2007)) writes for those who choose to go beyond the health benefits and calming effects of yoga, “Divested of superstitions and myths, yoga contains absolutely nothing that can be abhorrent to any faith or creed.” Yoga, properly speaking, is a supplement to religion and has always been treated as such in India.”

Since ancient times, Sadhus, Yogis have advocated for the practise of Surya Namaskar because it provides a holistic way of life that includes numerous health and mental benefits as well as a state of good lifestyle for physical health, social health, mental health, and spiritual life that is in harmony with nature. “Surya” means Sun, and “Namaskar” means to salute. It is a yogic exercise to bend down before the mighty Sun (Mullerpatan, R. P., et al., 2020). With this new dimension of thought, the ancient Indians lived up to spiritual traditions and attributed the secret of “Jivem Shardha Shatam”. According to spiritual traditions, “Jivem Shardha Shatam” refers to living a hundred years of a vibrant, healthy, joyful, and creative existence (Sharma, A.,2020).

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