Impact of Statistical Intelligent Analysis on Corona Virus Disease

Impact of Statistical Intelligent Analysis on Corona Virus Disease

Kanak Saxena, Umesh Banodha
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7176-7.ch005
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Statistical intelligence formulates the analysis model and reveals the system that can be easily visible and understandable to mankind. On one hand, it will benefit the society to predict the nature or man-created virus environment, and on the other hand, it will solve the problems of intelligent agents' formation with their functionality. It's a well-known fact that the agents are visible and noticeable, and they perform their own assigned task, but their recognition process is delayed. The chapter will focus on the statistical intelligence analysis that includes the properties of the error tolerance, forecasting, and high reliability. The information is always the part of the memory, but the processing methodology that may lead to knowledge is lacking. This may include the logical induction, Bayesian statistics, functional decision theory, value learning, forecasting, etc. Statistics will assist in path selection to formulate the highly adaptive intelligent system with the said functionalities with reduction in the overall cost factors.
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Today, the present scenario warned and awakens not only the society but it sets an alarm of future also. The present situation is beyond the imagination and hence it becomes uncontrollable, unmanageable affecting the individuals’ life style and on the other hand affects the world wide domains including the healthcare domain. Consequently it turns out to be necessary necessity to study and identify the factors and features of dispersion of corona virus as well as any new born diseases. For the explanation of dynamics of such infectious structures of disease some intelligent model/system is required. As the matter of the fact, the available data and its documentation which has to be considered very critical, is even not available in well formed and sound format. The interpretation of the facts varies with the various clusters of knowledge and inclined the entire problem in very different mode. Thus, it becomes very difficult for the medical professionals to reach to concrete conclusions. In order to enhance the knowledge in the respective field in presence of the changing behaviour of the virus, one has to be undergoing the regress analysis of the events occurring in the day to day life with the interpretation of events in correlation to the existing health records as well as the corresponding activities either believed or ongoing. The intention is to realize the role of statistical intelligence in hidden parameters that have direct or indirect impact on the facts which have not been discovered yet and to the emergent in detection of the disease followed by its prevention mechanism with keeping eye on public health activities measures.

Statistical Intelligence system can be defined as the analysis system that integrates the statistical system with the intelligence system to operate the reflexive processes of optimization, value learning, searching, forecasting with high reliability and error tolerance. This will act as the bridge between early detection and reduction in risk factors especially concerned with the pandemic well in advance. Though the statistics is not useful in the intelligence system, but due to the dynamic nature of the corona virus, the systematic patterns cannot be viewed by the healthcare researchers. Thus, the need of the technique is require illustrating the patterns as well as also predicting the change in the pattern well in advance. The prediction does not stop at the moment, but also warm the concerned well in advance with the new challenges influence the universe based on the critical and the strategic information. The statistical intelligence analysis system will assists in the creation, analysis, exploration and very important is the prediction distribution over the strategic information collected from the different sources. In context to COVID, the current scenario indicates that vigilance must be not only on the healthcare industries, but the involvement of the departments which deals with drug enforcement administration, national security, intelligence and analysis and the law enforcement. These all information must be collected, analyze with the counter and crossed intelligence to contribute in the sound decisions to strengthen the healthcare system as well as help in protecting the mankind. It helps in

  • Enhancing the trust in data analysis with minimizing the bias well in advance.

  • To identify the power of the disease that influences the individuals especially in the case when the pattern and strength of the virus is unknown.

  • Perform the data analysis in order to depict the behaviour of the virus and mutation period.

  • To illustrate the process with a complete phenomenon examination to realize latest addicted insights.

  • To assists in diagnosis the new born microbes.

  • To test the said hypothesis for the defined case.

  • Reduction in errors with care of sensitivity and specificity

Key Terms in this Chapter

Statistical Intelligence: It performs the statistical analysis and learning the transformation of the virus with the help of the intelligent agents.

Cognitive Analysis: It comes after the descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive analysis. It deals with the human behavior along with the semantic, intelligent and learning agents.

Intelligent Analysis: The mechanism is based on the agent functionality that works on the information and knowledge about the virus and results in mitigate its effect.

Intelligent Agents: It takes the decision on the basis of the virus evolution experience gained and the environmental impact in the light of the available resources.

Error Tolerance: The purpose is to auto detects the errors and informs the respective agents with the predictive deviation.

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