Impact of Social and Cultural Challenges in Education Using AI

Impact of Social and Cultural Challenges in Education Using AI

Kapil Sethi, Ajay Sharma, Shweta Chauhan, Varun Jaiswal
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7793-5.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Learning is the main feature that is connected to education. Education increases the power of visualization and to differentiate between the right and wrong. Education in these days has become expensive for the poor guardians. Education indeed helps to know the real values in relation to social and cultural behavior so that one can become a decent person in nature in society. The role of technology in modern education helps to lookout the current trends and to solve the problems using artificial intelligence in education. AI tools play a vital role in research and help to access the literature worldwide. AI can also provide the solution to social challenges like diversity in nature, security, and privacy of the person. Apart from education, AI has made an impact in other fields like social media, communication, and technology.
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Education is a necessary tool for the development of the nation. The vast majority of the population in the world would believe that success and to earn money is a critical factor, however, it isn't right in light of the fact that without education, no one can get success for which learning the social and cultural values (Owens, 1995). Learning is the main feature as well as a tool which is connected to education to learn and know different things which invariably helps to educate more and more students/persons in the area around. Almost all the time one question always arises in the mind of students that “Why education is so important?” and the answer is because it is a more important part of our life (Morreale & Pearson, 2008). Education is such a great amount of imperative for accomplishment throughout our everyday life. Without the education, one cannot explore the new thoughts which indicate that they are not ready to build up the world in the light of the fact that without thoughts there is no creativity and without creativity, there is no development. Over the world, some nations may be more developed and some are certainly not (Wals & Jickling, 2002). The nation which is developing, the more educated individual’s ratio compares to the nation which is not as much of developed. Education is the mechanism which gives the individuals the required learning, information, skill, technique, and allows them to know their rights and duties toward their family, society, and the country (Gartner & Lipsky, 1987). Education increases the power of visualization, so one can outlook to see the world easily. Education builds up the capacities and the capabilities to fight the unfairness, violence, exploitation and other elements (Dewey, 2007). Similarly, as the face is the reflection of the heart, the level of education builds the status of the state or the country. In many different nations, the structure resembles that rich students get gradually more education and poor won't (Delpit, 2006). Education in these days has become expensive and the poor guardians of the utmost capable students can't consider getting their wards admitted into such institutes (Sallis, 2014). We require a framework that will give an equal amount of chances to both rich and poor students who in turn can contribute to the improvement and development of the nation. By providing education, we eliminate the destitution and each individual in the nation will become popular and contributes their involvement in developing their nation (Hofstede, 1986).

According to Nelson Mandela, the most famous person tells about education “Education is the most influential weapon which you can use to transform the world” (Mandela, 2014). Education turns out to be great guardians, students, business people, specialists, relatives and honest people (B. U. Levinson, 2001). Being in contact with an educated individual and having a smart discussion with him extends learning and presents a specific inventiveness and satisfaction in the mind (Cole & Shastry, 2009). Education makes the national improvement process quick (Fägerlind & Saha, 2016). The way of life of its people can be reliant up to a great extent, the Nationals can secure. The importance of education and its essentialness can be comprehended from the way that when we are conceived, our societies begin educating us around a fundamental thing throughout in everyday life (Fägerlind & Saha, 2016). A baby starts adapting new words and builds up a vocabulary based on what his folks teach him. They teach him who is his dad, mother, sister, brother etc. and how to carry on with every individual giving them due regard (Von Glasersfeld, 1998). They also convey him precious knowledge about morals and ethics appropriate from the earliest starting point when he has a delicate nature so these characteristics remain within him for as long as he can reminisce as conditioning (Noddings, 2013).

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