Impact of GeoGebra on Student Learning and Inclusion of GeoGebra in the Mainstream

Impact of GeoGebra on Student Learning and Inclusion of GeoGebra in the Mainstream

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 30
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7583-6.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter investigates the use of ICT in education. In particular, the usage of GeoGebra as the geometrical instruction aids in the visualization of concepts, and this chapter aids in inspiring students and instructors throughout the teaching and learning process. The primary purpose of this work is to determine the effective use of GeoGebra in teaching calculus and statistical concepts among economics students whose performance is less satisfactory in math. These can be achieved by the aforementioned goals, i.e., by identifying the pupils whose performance is poor. They could be divided into two groups: research group who learns calculus and statistical concepts using GeoGebra and conventional group who learns the same concepts by traditional way of teaching. This chapter demonstrates that ICT-based learning yields superior results than conventional teaching methodology.
Chapter Preview

Geogebra Tool

GeoGebra software offers six different views of mathematical objects. Three of these views are new to GeoGebra: the Graphics View, the Algebra View, and the Construction Protocol.

Figure 1.

A display of the GeoGebra window with an emphasis on the algebraic view. It features a toolbar, menu bar, and various viewing options

Source: GeoGebra

In the displayed GeoGebra interface, the toolbar is prominently situated in the upper right corner of the window. This toolbar is meticulously equipped with a comprehensive suite of geometric construction tools. These tools, which encompass functionalities to create points, lines, line segments, polygons, and angles, among others, provide educators with the capabilities to craft detailed geometric representations.

The implications of this interface for economics educators are manifold. Firstly, the tool offers a robust visual aid for teaching. By leveraging GeoGebra's functionalities, educators can simplify and elucidate intricate geometric concepts, making them more accessible and comprehensible for learners. This visual approach is particularly beneficial for delineating complex economic models and theories, which often rely on graphical representations.

Furthermore, GeoGebra's interactive nature fosters an engaging learning environment. Students are not merely passive recipients of information; they can actively interact with the geometric constructs, promoting a hands-on learning experience. Such active engagement can catalyze a profound and nuanced understanding of the underlying principles, thereby enhancing the overall efficacy of economics education.

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