Impact of Generative AI in Education 2030

Impact of Generative AI in Education 2030

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2440-0.ch025
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This book chapter contains the basics of generative AI, evaluation of generative AI, working process of generative AI, and applications of generative AI in Education 2030. In this chapter, the authors will introduce the emerging concept of large language model (LLM), reinforcement learning, response generation, neural network, and tokenization as the building blocks of generative AI. In this context, the authors will analyze the role of AI based ChatGpt technology in Education. The applications of generative AI in educational policy making, infrastructure development, research, innovation, activity building, and content generation for the students at schools and colleges will be discussed. But the contents of above mentioned activities must be guided by a teacher of school and college because such contents have more context wise decision making abilities rather than AI based solutions.
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The Working Process Of Generative Ai

In this chapter, we are going to present the basic building blocks that are required for understating of the concept of generative AI. Now, in the next section, the large language model is depicted.

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