Impact of Development on Climate Change

Impact of Development on Climate Change

Sandipan Babasaheb Jige
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8223-0.ch009
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The earth began showing the human population's impact around 1950. The human population increase needs different things so that its effect the cutting down the forest and land used for agriculture, industrialization, and urbanization development. The forest is cut on average 28 million hectors every year from 2016, and this results in the destruction of the wildlife, endangering many species of animals and plants. Measuring climate change and the green house gas emission effect, it can be seen that 20% of species in critical risk of extinction. The increase of human population and development increase the extraction of resources from environment, like fossil fuels, oil, gas and coal, minerals, trees, water, and wildlife, etc. The use of water for drinking, agriculture, reaction, and industrial process is extracted from dams, lake, river, ground, and man-made sources. The construction of urban areas like homes, businesses, and roads to accommodate growing population and observe what affect development has on increasing environmental impacts. The population increase has resulted in more land needed for agricultural activities to grow crops and support the livestock.
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Today in the world most important environmental issues is pollution, climate change, global warming in which some sub issues like deforestation, desertification and extinction of species. According to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) more than half population in developing countries depend on agriculture which also live in rural area. This sector is vulnerable for environmental condition, the cost of agriculture production increase due to temperature rising, the biodiversity threaten, about one million species becomes danger of extinction. The earth also become hotter and climate also change day by due to the different human activity which active under development name (Andrew E. Dessler 2021). In the development some human activities are burning of fossil fuels, industrial development and processes, deforestation and unsustainable agriculture. The planet warming gases also known as greenhouse gases, it is also called global warming and it is responsible for climate change. Today we feel that higher maximum temperature, heat waves, in the higher minimum temperature day cold and frost day, it reduced average rainfall also rise the sea level, increase fire risks, also increase frequency and intensity of extreme weather events like floods, droughts and storms. In the two hundred years over in between 1819 to 2019 the human activities increase more than 700 times and motivated for emission of greenhouse gases. It shows natural, social and economic impact on human life. About 85% of wetland which present 300 years ago has been completely lost today. In the ocean about 33% fish stocks harvested at unsustainable level and other 60% being finished at their maximum sustainable level (Ajit Shinha and Siddhartha Mitra 2018). The coral reefs also lost from 1870 today it lost about 50%, animal and plants species become threatened with extinction. The fishes, amphibians, mammals, birds and reptiles also decrease their population about 68% since 1970. In the year 1990 to 2015 some countries mostly increase income and wealth the share of income goes richest one percentage of global population increased in 46 out of 57 countries. The temperature rise overall in the range 1 to 1.2°C. The climate change has potential range ecological, physical and health impacts (Arun V. S. and Patel Arya 2015).

The poor developing countries mostly depend upon natural environment for their income development; the healthy environment gives good food, water and air. It also provides economic growth resources. The other developing countries liked for state of natural environment, the environment suffered degradation due to urban area and industrial area increase. The forest is responsible for carbon dioxide absorption and oxygen production but the deforestation reduces that process. In deforestation the animal and plants species natural habitat destructed so it leads for extinction of species. The nonrenewable energy source not used only used renewable energy source for environment safety. The ecological conservation necessary for the continuous economic growth, with this the waste recycled is important. The development goals pursued without breaching environment regulations, the balance between economic development and environmental protection require refocusing economic activity. In climate change and its effect man made changes and natural exploitation for economic development is major causes (B. P. Shyam Roy and Maniparna S. Roy 2021). So the “Development polices promote economic well being, while environmental policies have been seen to restricting it.”

Key Terms in this Chapter

Climate Change: It refer to long term alteration of earth’s climate pattern particularly the increase in global average temperature and associated impact on weather system and natural process.

Impact: It is versatile term used to describe the effects and consequences of action, event or phenomena on different aspects of life. It also helps to understand how certain factors shape and influence the world around us.

Development: It is dynamic and multifaceted term it encompasses progress and positive change in different dimensions of life. The process of growth, progress and improvement in various aspects of human life, societies, economies or environment known as development.

Climate: It is long term average of weather condition in particular region over an extended period, typically spanning decades to centuries. It is different from of weather it represents short term atmospheric condition.

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