Impact of Deepfake Technology on FinTech Applications

Impact of Deepfake Technology on FinTech Applications

Naveed Naeem Abbas, Rizwan Ahmad, Shams Qazi, Waqas Ahmed
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5284-4.ch012
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The distribution of fabricated disinformation through deliberate manipulation of audio/video content by imposters with the intent to affect organization is deepfake. The “infodemic” that spread alongside the COVID-19 pandemic also increased cyber risk in financial technology (FinTech) applications. The continuous evolution of cybercrime has culminated with deepfakes which severely magnify the threats of traditional frauds. Recent evidence indicates that deepfake videos are mainly created with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML) techniques. This results in creation of fake videos by merging, superimposing, and replacing actual video clips and images with other videos. There are a lot of people who accept deepfake videos as actual videos without any doubt. The use of AL and ML techniques have made video/image forgery difficult to identify with the help of existing deepfake detection techniques. Deepfake technology is becoming more and more sophisticated, and detection of fake videos is relatively challenged for quite some time.
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The term deepfake is derived from two words ‘deep learning’ and ‘fake’. The deepfake was introduced in the year 2017 in the Reddit community discussion when a user posted a digitally altered video clip of a celebrity (Jones & Capstone, 2020). Since its inception, deepfake videos have been created by artificial intelligence (AI) or various machine learning (ML) techniques that look authentic. Deepfake content is generally produced using two different ML techniques: autoencoder and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) mimic the human brain in learning and recognizing patterns with the concept that the more real image samples that are fed into a dataset, the more accurate it can be replicated as a fake sample. A conventional GANs model comprises of two neural networks, a generator, and a discriminator. The generator is a convolutional neural network (CNN) that produces synthetic images creating fake videos from the original dataset. The discriminator is simply a classifier that tries to distinguish real data from the data created by the generator and attempts to analyze and distinguish the deepfake video from the real to synthesize for authenticity. The cycle continues with the two ML algorithms, with the generator network continuing to create fake videos until the discriminator network no longer can detect and authenticate the video forgery. With the increase of deepfake technology and easy-to-use sophisticated open-source applications in the market, individuals can manipulate images and videos by superimposing someone’s face, mimicking facial expressions, and synthesizing their speech. In the start, it took days and required considerable knowledge and skills to create deepfake content, but now it is a matter of hours to create deepfake with extensively accessible free online applications (Zhao et al., 2021). It is practically impossible for a human to differentiate between genuine and forged content (Westerlund, 2019).

Additionally, cybercriminals have taken advantage of the technology to misinform and defraud businesses and individuals. As a countermeasure, FinTech was adopted, the term ‘‘FinTech’’ is a combination of ‘‘financial technology’’ and was first mentioned in the 1990s by Citicorp’s chairman John Reed (Puschmann, 2017). It contains innovative financial solutions enabled by IT and includes the incumbent financial services providers like banks and insurers. Regardless, both audio and video deepfake can manifest multiple issues within financial services. There are many cases of fraudulent onboarding (criminal posing as someone else), fraudulent payment authorizations and transfers, synthetic identity, impersonation of business leaders for insider trading tricking employees into taking nefarious actions. Such as: -

1. Corporate Level Fraud

Corporate fraud refers to illegal activities undertaken by an individual or company that are done in a dishonest or unethical manner. Recently the most common method to implement corporate-level fraud is deepfake. As in the past, fraudsters try to convince an enterprise worker to send money via a fake email account, now they convince them through a fake call where the caller sounds like the CFO or CEO of the enterprise.

2. Extorting Money From Businesses or Individuals

Another method of fraudsters is, faces and voices transferred to media files with the help of deep learning that shows people making false statements (Khan et al., 2021). An attacker makes a video of a CEO making fake announcements and tries to blackmail an organization by threatening to post the video on social media (Weerawardana & Fernando, 2021).

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