Impact of Assessment on Childhood Education Theories and Practice

Impact of Assessment on Childhood Education Theories and Practice

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0956-8.ch004
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Different modern early childhood teacher education techniques can be used for a child's development, skills, abilities, and overall well-being. It involves observing, testing, and using various assessment tools to comprehensively understand a child's strengths, weaknesses, and areas needing further support or intervention. This book chapter provides comprehensive overviews of the children's assessments are typically conducted by professionals such as psychologists, educators, or other specialists trained in child development and assessment. Assessments help identify any delays or difficulties in a child's development, such as language delays, motor skill deficits, or cognitive impairments. Assessments provide valuable information that helps professionals develop individualized intervention plans to support a child's needs. These plans may involve therapies, educational programs, or other interventions. Assessments can measure a child's academic skills and progress in various subjects, helping educators determine appropriate educational goals.
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Feature Of Child Education And Their Assessment

Child education incorporates several vital features contributing to its effectiveness and holistic development. Child education places the child at the centre of the learning process. It recognizes and respects each child's unique abilities, interests, and needs, allowing for personalized and differentiated instruction (Gullo, 2005). Play-based Learning is essential to child education as it promotes active engagement, exploration, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Play-based Learning encourages children to learn through hands-on experiences and fosters socio-emotional development. Child education emphasizes active learning methods encouraging children to participate and construct knowledge actively. It includes interactive discussions, group projects, experiments, field trips, and practical activities that enhance understanding and retention (Gredler, 2000). Whenever teaching the child, always use the multisensory approach, in which children learn through different senses, so child education often incorporates a multisensory approach. It integrates visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile experiences to reinforce Learning and cater to diverse learning styles (Alasuutari et al., 2014). Child education acknowledges that children have different learning paces, abilities, and interests. It promotes individualized instruction, allowing teachers to adapt teaching strategies and materials to meet each child's needs. The teacher must assign homework to the child and assess different ways for better understanding.

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