Impact of 5G Security on Smart Cities' Internet of Things Implementation

Impact of 5G Security on Smart Cities' Internet of Things Implementation

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9576-6.ch010
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Smart cities are imperative in terms of smart buildings, transportation, parking, healthcare, agriculture, traffic systems, and public safety aided by the fifth generation (5G) computation standards. They are entirely capable of controlling real-time devices and delivering relevant smart information to the citizens. However, different architectural stages experience privacy and security concerns. Therefore, in this survey, an internet of things (IoT) based architecture is proposed, showing the critical layers that are key to ensure secure smart IoT implementation. The study further covers the recent approaches to security applications for information centric SCs. 5G security solutions have been highlighted in SCs' settings and proposed. Comparably, a comprehensive SC current 5G security and numerous open security concerns are demonstrated. Lastly, offer potential research directions and motivations mainly in academia and industry, outlining these concerns that need to be considered to enhance smart daily operations.
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The United Nations report demonstrated that over half of the global population resides in urban centers and cities, therefore making the urban population grow faster than in the past few decades (Cui et al., 2018). As a result of its stringent standards and feasible urbanized environment, the definition of “smart city” (SC) has attracted the interest of industry and academia (Jain et al., 2022). Different smart strategies and infrastructures have been adopted by several SCs across the globe to enhance people's standards of living and services. Some notable countries with large populations are investing money in initiatives connected to SCs. China is reported to be engaged in more than 200 projects that support the concept of SCs. Urban municipals are managing their daily operations to increase the quality of life for people due to technologies related to SCs (Xu et al., 2022). Smart, healthcare, transit, and traffic systems are a few examples of the myriad gadgets and interconnected systems that make up the infrastructure of SCs.

The 5G (fifth-generation) security, and integration in SC operates using the Internet of Things, (IoT), where physical devices are evolving into smart devices in daily life. This has increased because of the combination of numerous low-charge devices, for instance, actuators and sensors, and the quick advancement of wireless communication tech. Information-centric networking (ICN) solutions can be used to advance the rise of IoT and its implementation. In addition, internet protocol (IP)-based strategies like the one described instead of relying on Internet Protocol (IP) host identification address, ICNs are defined as a strategy that places information at the core of the design (Yang et al., 2021). ICNs can serve numerous 5G IoT circumstances and get based on their existing constraints. In the IoT context, it can be applied as a framework to connect multiple sensor-equipped items and provide a range of services, as demonstrated in Figure 1. In the IoT era, using ICN can also reduce energy consumption.

Figure 1.

Smart city situation using internet of things submission (smart healthcare, smart transportation, smart building, and other IoT devices), as adopted by Jun et al., 2021


Cities are growing smarter, which might put people at serious risk for security and privacy at all operation levels. Resource-constrained devices make the SC susceptible to many types of 5G security threats. These weaknesses could make SCs vulnerable to several cyberattacks. For instance, malevolent attackers may manipulate sensor data to produce false data, thus leading to the loss of control in smart systems (Jain et al., 2022). For instance, in early 2015, a denial-of-service (DoS) attack by hackers on the smart grid caused a significant power outage that affected 230,000 people in Ukraine. Residents' security and privacy in SCs may be jeopardized by cyberattacks and cyber threats from a variety of resource-based devices, for instance, cameras and sensors, that collect and share sensitive data in SCs (Xu et al., 2022). As a result of these cyberattacks, information about a person's home gathered and managed by smart homes can reveal a person's lifestyle in terms of privacy and even cause financial and other related damage.

The market for smart cities will gradually grow to $1.5 trillion by 2020, and some governments are attracting significant funds to realize the vision of SCs. Figure 2 illustrates the public engagement in smart city acceptance using IoT and non-IoT connections globally. This enormous development includes sensor node implementation within the city to require people to access information in real-time. They provide information about a variety of services, including traffic patterns on the water and air quality, public transportation, and energy consumption, among others (Preuveneers & Joosen, 2016). To safeguard sensitive data from the existence of illegal entities, processing and analyzing massive amounts of sensitive data presents several privacy and security concerns.

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