Image Fusion Techniques for Different Multimodality Medical Images Based on Various Conventional and Hybrid Algorithms for Disease Analysis

Image Fusion Techniques for Different Multimodality Medical Images Based on Various Conventional and Hybrid Algorithms for Disease Analysis

Rajalingam B., Priya R., Bhavani R., Santhoshkumar R.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7544-7.ch015
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Image fusion is the process of combining two or more images to form a single fused image, which can provide more reliable and accurate information. Over the last few decades, medical imaging plays an important role in a large number of healthcare applications including diagnosis, treatment, etc. The different modalities of medical images contain complementary information of human organs and tissues, which help the physicians to diagnose the diseases. The multimodality medical images can provide limited information. These multimodality medical images cannot provide comprehensive and accurate information. This chapter proposed and examines some of the hybrid multimodality medical image fusion methods and discusses the most essential advantages and disadvantages of these methods. The hybrid multimodal medical image fusion algorithms are used to improve the quality of fused multimodality medical image. An experimental result of proposed hybrid fusion techniques provides the fused multimodal medical images of highest quality, shortest processing time, and best visualization.
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Medical Imaging Modalities

Medical imaging is the technique of creating visual representations of the interior of a body for clinical analysis and medical intervention. It seeks to reveal the internal structures hidden by the skin and bones, as well as to diagnose and treat disease. Medical images are acquired in various bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. The various modalities used in medical imaging are presented in this chapter. The basic principles of CT, MRI, PET and SPECT imaging are described. The background information of the various imaging systems, the physics behind it are presented.

  • 1.

    Computed Tomography (CT)

    • The drawback of the conventional X-ray is that it is not possible to differentiate soft tissue structures from radiographic images and also unable to resolve spatial structures along the direction of X-ray.

    • The above mentioned drawbacks can be eliminated by using another imaging technology called as computed tomography.

    • In CT a planar slice of the body is defined and x-rays are passed through the slice.

    • The acquisition time is four minutes for a single section which is a time consuming process.

    • But nowadays advanced CT scanners are used with minimum acquisition time of milliseconds.

    • Also provides frozen images for moving organs like heart and lungs.

    • Reconstruction of the image is done by a method called as back projection of each filtered projection into an array of detectors. Figure 1(a) shows the CT scan machine. Neurocyticercosis disease affected CT image is shown in Figure 1(b).

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