Identifying and Analysing Entrepreneurship Barriers in Afghanistan

Identifying and Analysing Entrepreneurship Barriers in Afghanistan

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6766-4.ch008
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Despite of a vast amount of research about the significance effects of entrepreneurship on different economic and social aspects in developed and developing countries, there are limited studies about entrepreneurship barriers in developing countries; but in Afghanistan, due to unfavourable situations, this shortcoming is more serious. To the best of the authors' knowledge, still this important topic is not addressed in Afghanistan. This study aims to identify entrepreneurship barriers in Afghanistan. In this exploratory study, in a targeted sampling approach using chain-referral method, data collected through semi structured interviews and 11 participants, including defacto- entrepreneurs, potential entrepreneurs and one academic professional, were interviewed. Sample size depend on data saturation that happened in 8th and 9th. For data analysis, the authors use thematic analysis to investigate the research question.
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Literature Review

Entrepreneurship function is probably as old as the exchange and trade between individual in society back to 8000 years before(Edwards et al., 2020). But, the one who give it more precise economic meaning or proposed as an economic term, was Richard Cantillon (1680-1734) (Mazzarol & Reboud, 2020) and he defined the entrepreneur as those individuals, who bear the risk of buying at certain prices and selling at uncertain prices.

Key Terms in this Chapter

CMC: Computer mediated communication

ILO: International Labour Organization

F2F: Face-to face

GEM: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor

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