Identification of Critical Success Factors in the Implementation of Smart and Sustainable Business

Identification of Critical Success Factors in the Implementation of Smart and Sustainable Business

Maryam Rahmaty
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0210-1.ch009
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Smart business is the advances and applications that are utilized to gather, coordinate, analyze, and show commerce within the organization. The smart business may be profound and comprehensive information of components such as customers, competitors, financial environment, operations, and organizational processes, which influence the quality of administration choices within the organization. Smart management enables all of an organization's senior managers to make informed decisions about everything from research and development, marketing, and investment tactics to long-term strategies. Therefore, the success of smart businesses in the new era of success depends on various parameters that should be paid special attention to. For this reason, the most important key indicators of success in smart organizations have been evaluated in this research. In order to analyze the results, a fuzzy decision-making method has been used. The results show that adequate budget and infrastructure growth is the most important critical success factor in developing smart businesses.
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2. Literature Review

In the rapidly changing business world, success is no longer just a matter of having great products or services but is based on intelligent planning and management of plans and strategies. Smart business is the key not only to survive sustainably but also to thrive in this competitive environment (Mitra et al., 2023).

Business environments are too complex to be framed under a universally recognized theoretical framework. Therefore, based on previous studies, the concept of business environment is updated by adding emerging information about digital public services, big data-based social credit systems, and intelligent processes. Successful intelligent business management is closely related to our understanding and use of technology throughout the business. This means that the use of technology to strengthen business management in the field of smart businesses can only be increased by studying the interaction between technological innovations and management processes in specific business processes (Nozari et al., 2023).

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