Hypermedia and Associated Concepts

Hypermedia and Associated Concepts

Michael Lang
Copyright: © 2006 |Pages: 8
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-799-7.ch091
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There has been considerable speculation of late that the design of hypermedia and Web-based systems warrants new methods different from those used in conventional software design (Kautz & Nørbjerg, 2003). However, much confusion abounds within this debate because fundamental concepts such as hypermedia, multimedia, and Web-based systems are rarely explicitly defined and it is often unclear what is actually meant. This article explains the following interrelated terms: multimedia, interactive multimedia, digital multimedia, interactive digital multimedia, hypertext, hypermedia, and Web-based systems. Such clarification is important because for research results to be comparable and scholarly discourse to be logical, there must be a common language.

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