Hybridization of Approaches and Gradual Investment in ICTs Toward Innovative University Pedagogy

Hybridization of Approaches and Gradual Investment in ICTs Toward Innovative University Pedagogy

Chaimae Tailassane, Imane Elimadi
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1034-2.ch010
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This research aims to reflect on the integration of digital technologies in teaching French within non-linguistic disciplines. The goal is to think about the academic integration of French in light of various contexts and practices, such as hybrid teaching (both in-person and online via learning platforms dedicated to Edmodo, Moodle, or even MOOCs), combining theory and practice while considering constraints like motivation, organization, and materials. The authors start from the idea that students' poor performance at the university is due to the extensive use of the French language in courses spread over three months, with three hours of class per week. Therefore, various approaches were tested, with a gradual implementation of a hybrid approach known as light in-person classes. Since the fall of 2014, the team of professors has tested three approaches, ranging from enriched in-person classes to 100% online MOOCs. The latter was conducted in the spring of 2016 through a partnership between the Faculty of Sciences at the University Mohammed V in Rabat and the French Institute of Rabat.
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Theoretical Background

Our goal is to present a multi-layered perspective in which we will examine the relationships between French teaching/learning and the incorporation of new technologies by reviewing the scientific literature in the many disciplines affected. We shall also make an effort to present our didactic positioning and goals.

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