Hybrid Leadership Styles Then and Now: Identifying Different Patterns

Hybrid Leadership Styles Then and Now: Identifying Different Patterns

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3453-6.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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Although there are classical and modern leadership styles, from a historical perspective, hybrid leadership practices have been the norm. It is essential to state that the idea of hybrid leadership is not new, nor has it resulted from hybrid working conditions. This chapter analyzes hybrid leadership from different perspectives, tracing its origins, the start of publications in the field, and its evolution. A short bibliometric analysis is included to provide a general background about how the study of hybrid leadership has evolved. The different leadership styles and models connected to hybrid leadership will be analyzed, as well as its main characteristics. The goal is to present an overview of hybrid leadership and how it has been applied in different contexts.
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The use of binary categories of leadership has been a tradition in different areas of work and life in which one or another style is preferred but not both. Strides have been made to move towards leadership as a hybrid activity which entails a range of approaches inspired by varying ideas arising from a reconsideration of distributed leadership (Gronn, 2009).

Leadership styles, although different, sometimes overlap due to similarities in traits, skill applications, and other characteristics attaining a blended or hybrid quality. Additionally, over time, leaders evolve, and so does their style, creating hybrid leadership brands that become unique (Buchen, 2011).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Liquid Times: An era characterized by volatility and uncertainty.

Hybridity: A state of blended of characteristics.

Attitudes: The way people see the world and others and act on it.

Fluidity: A state of changeability.

Bricolage: A mix and match of different elements.

Traits: Particular qualities of people.

Organizational Goals: Particular objectives aligned with the organization’s mission and vision.

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