Humanizing Mathematics in Online Learning Environments

Humanizing Mathematics in Online Learning Environments

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4131-5.ch006
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This chapter delves into the realm of humanizing mathematics education in online learning environments. With a focus on asynchronous courses, it explores innovative strategies to infuse a humanistic approach into the teaching and learning of mathematics online. The chapter is grounded in the perspective that mathematics, often perceived as an abstract discipline, can be made more relatable and engaging through techniques that emphasize human connection and interaction. Central to the discussion are practical strategies aimed at fostering a humanizing experience in online mathematics courses. These strategies include promoting peer interaction through collaborative projects and virtual study groups, effective utilization of discussion forums for meaningful exchanges, and designing activities that encourage students to share their insights and experiences. Further, the chapter discusses how educators can actively engage with students, provide timely feedback, and build supportive relationships, thereby enhancing the sense of community and motivation in the digital classroom.
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In the evolving landscape of education, where digital platforms increasingly intersect with pedagogical practices, the need to humanize the learning experience has never been more evident. This chapter addresses this essential component within the context of mathematics education in online environments, particularly focusing on asynchronous courses. This chapter is grounded in the conviction that mathematics, often perceived as an abstract and impersonal domain, is deeply human in its application, interpretation, and understanding (Gutierrez, 2018a).

The rapid advancement of online education has brought forth both unprecedented opportunities and unique challenges (Jessup et al., 2021). As educators and learners navigate this digital terrain, the essence of human connection and interaction in the learning process must be preserved and enhanced. This chapter is inspired by the ideas presented by Gutiérrez at the Latinx in the Mathematical Sciences 2018 conference (Gutierrez, 2018b), which underscored the significance of a humanistic approach in mathematics education. By extending these ideas to the online realm, we aim to illuminate the paths through which mathematics can be taught and learned in a manner that resonates with the human experience.

Online learning, particularly in mathematics, often faces the stereotype of being a solitary and rigid journey (Kizilcec et al., 2019; Lineberger, 2016; Van Heerden, 2023). This chapter challenges this notion by advocating for a human-centered approach that recognizes learners' diverse needs, backgrounds, and experiences. We aim to provide instructors, curriculum designers, and educational administrators with actionable strategies to create more inclusive, engaging, and empathetic online learning environments. These environments should facilitate the acquisition of mathematical skills and knowledge and nurture a sense of belonging, curiosity, and appreciation for the subject.

Acknowledging the diverse landscape of online learners, this chapter emphasizes the importance of culturally responsive teaching, emotional intelligence, and community building in the virtual classroom. We delve into the psychological barriers, such as math anxiety, which can be amplified in online settings (Iannacchione et al., 2023), and propose strategies to mitigate them. By exploring innovative course designs, interactive technologies, and pedagogical practices, we aim to transform the online mathematics classroom into a space where every student feels seen, heard, and inspired.

The implications of humanizing online education, as discussed in this chapter, reach far beyond the realm of mathematics. At its heart, this concept is about recognizing and responding to learners' diverse needs, emotions, and backgrounds in any discipline. The strategies and principles of humanizing education can be seen as universally applicable tools capable of transforming the quality of online teaching and learning across the board.

In disciplines ranging from the humanities to the sciences, the core tenets of humanizing education—such as empathy, inclusivity, and engagement (Andrews et al., 2019; Pacansky-Brock et al., 2020), can be seamlessly integrated. For instance, in subjects like literature or history, these principles can enhance the connection between students and the material, allowing them to relate historical events or literary themes to their own experiences and worldviews. Similarly, in more quantitative fields such as physics or economics, a humanized approach can demystify complex concepts, making them more accessible and relatable to students with varying levels of prior knowledge.

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