Human-Touch Integration in AI Frameworks for Earth Monitoring

Human-Touch Integration in AI Frameworks for Earth Monitoring

Rambabu Nalagandla, Anitha Avula Varagantham, Ojasvi Pattanaik, Balachandra Pattanaik, Manjula Pattnaik
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1850-8.ch014
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The goal of this chapter is to offer an outline of how humans may be integrated into AI frameworks for Earth tracking. It's going to take a look at the benefits of human-contact integration and speak about how this technique can be adapted to a diffusion of tracking situations. Furthermore, the human-touch integration additionally gives a human-in-the-loop management device that could evaluate and approve any outputs produced by using the AI models. The human contact can also assist with AI version calibration and validation that might, in any other case, be extra tough or not possible with the AI algorithms on my own. For instance, floor fact information from skilled professionals may be used to cross-validate and calibrate the AI fashions to ensure that they may be producing correct outcomes. Taking those measures can assist us in balancing the advantages of human-contact integration with the capability risks that include it, allowing us to use AI frameworks to monitor and respond to worldwide environmental adjustments.
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1. Introduction

Inside the context of environmental tracking, the combination of human contact with AI frameworks gives a monstrous capacity to detect, screen, and respond to environmental modifications. AI frameworks are historically used to automate tactics and improve accuracy via data-pushed solutions. However, the combination of human touch into AI frameworks can offer a large number of additional benefits within the region of environmental monitoring (Koh & Chen, 2023). By tapping into the human’s capability to have a look at and recognize context and nuance, the human touch offers the possibility for AI to perceive subtle styles and trends that might be hard for traditional algorithms to come across. Furthermore, the human element can add a feel of accountability to detections, taking into consideration an extra complete know-how of environmental conduct (Saini & Bhalla, 2022). This, in flip, can empower stakeholders to better respond to environmental modifications in a well-timed and knowledgeable manner. At the same time, the integration of human touch isn't the best logical and essential approach in the context of environmental monitoring. Still, it may also serve to minimize bias and maximize equity in AI choice-making. by way of harnessing the energy of human intuition and experience along side self-gaining knowledge of AI algorithms, it's miles feasible to create intelligent tracking structures that can better discover and reply to environmental adjustments(Abeysiriwardana et al., 2022; Ahmed et al., 2023; Khare, 2023).

Earth monitoring, meaning the monitoring and observation of our planet's natural resources and environment, is increasingly important in today's world. As the global population increases and the environment continues to be strained by industry and development, we need to take proactive steps to ensure the sustainability of our planet. AI frameworks offer a powerful way to keep track of our Earth's health. By enabling human-touch integration in these frameworks, we can ensure that the data collected is accurate, relevant, and meaningful. Through integration of AI monitoring systems with human expertise, we can better understand Earth's changes and how they impact us. By leveraging the power of AI, we can help protect our planet from further damage and safeguard its precious resources for future generations.

1.1 Background and Significance

The improvement of AI frameworks for Earth monitoring provides a powerful and flexible tool for evaluating the planet’s fitness. AI-led projects provide the promise of progressed accuracy, precision, and reliability in tracking and forecasting the Earth’s situations, taking into account more informed planetary stewardship. But, in order for those systems to be a feasible option to the challenges posed through our converting surroundings, they must be included with human contact (Shah et al., 2022). The records of environmental monitoring date back to the overdue 19th century, when scientists commenced to consider the broader implications of human hobby on worldwide structures. In the long time that followed, technological advancements allowed researchers to study the breadth and depth of Earth’s environment and humanity’s function in affecting it (Najim et al., 2023; Sinha, 2023). This transformed into an attempt to make sure systems are walking sustainably, requiring ever-extra unique tracking, forecasting, and monitoring of atmospheric, oceanic, and landscape changes. In more recent years, environmental monitoring has come to be targeted on AI-pushed technology consisting of sensors and far-flung sensing aircraft. A prime gain of these structures is their ability to correctly monitor massive portions of the Earth, regularly with little human involvement. But, boundaries to this method still exist, such as issues in predicting certain environmental conditions and the presence of so-known ‘false positives (Rastogi et al., 2023).

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