Human Resource Management as a Contributor of Total Quality Management

Human Resource Management as a Contributor of Total Quality Management

Christos Christoforidis, Sofia Anastasiadou
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2991-7.ch004
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This research examines the critical role of human resource management (HRM) in improving and sustaining total quality management (TQM) initiatives within organizations. It suggests that strategic HRM practices are not purely supportive but are fundamental to the productive implementation of TQM efforts, steering to superior organizational performance and a sustainable competitive advantage. By analyzing the interplay between HRM and TQM, the study aims to identify specific personnel management strategies that contribute effectively to quality improvement processes and overall organizational excellence.
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1. Introduction

It is commonly acknowledged that alongside the significant digital changes in the way Organizations operate in recent years, there has been a significant focus on human resources. A considerable number of researchers believe that successful management of the human resources of Organizations can also have positive effects on their economic growth, which is why the implementation of total quality in Organizations is a key ingredient for their success (Anastasiadou, 2015; Anastasiadou & Zirinoglou, 2015; Anastasiadou et al., 2014).

It is important to make an initial reference to the concept of Human Resources Management because several definitions have been given and some of them are useful to mention for the reader's better understanding.

More specifically, Human Resources Management is defined as the management and administration of personnel as a policy area for planning recruitment, allocation of human resources, placement of leadership and direction (Nolen, 2023).

Also, according to Papalexandris and Bourantas (2016), Human Resource Management is defined as the administrative function that aims to plan and organize activities related to human resources, emphasizing the role that the human factor is to play as a key competitive advantage in order to achieve the organization's business objectives.

In addition, Human Resource Management is defined as the function of the organization that is involved in attracting, training, evaluating, and rewarding staff. The health, safety and fairness of staff are the most important factors in achieving the organization’s business objectives (Byars & Rue, 2004).

In line with the above, human resources are considered a component of the Agency which undoubtedly constitutes a guarantee for its sustainability. This fact is reinforced by the choices made by the administrations of the Agencies, which in recent years have admittedly been geared towards developing and managing human resources in the best possible way. However, a key factor in such human resource development and management is considered to be the particularly careful handling and planning so as to achieve organization, guidance and control for the desired result (Cech, et al., 2017).

Besides, it is commonly acknowledged that Organizations that seek to implement Total Quality in their services fail without emphasizing on Human Resources and Quality because they do not give the proper attention to its Management, as Total Quality is a holistic process that to achieve it needs the involvement of all parts of the Organization for the produced Excellent service (Anastasiadou, 2015:2018a;2018b;2018c; Kessler, 2013).

It is worth mentioning that nowadays, when there is high competition in the labour market, both employees and organizations are constantly seeking any competitive advantage, as the proper Human Resources Management in combination with staff training programmes can be the only solution for the high achievement of the business objectives of each organisation, whether public or private sector (Terzidis & Tzortzakis, 2004).

The aim of this research is to highlight the role of Human Resource Management as a contributor to Total Quality Management so that the development and implementation of appropriate personnel management practices of an Organization contribute decisively to the success of total quality and ultimately, to ensure the maximum possible competitive advantage over others (Anastasiadou et al., 2022a). Moreover, good personnel management practices make the organization more efficient and more credible in the minds of its stakeholders.

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