Human Resource Management and the Rollout of Industry 4.0: Investigating the Impact of Artificial Intelligence

Human Resource Management and the Rollout of Industry 4.0: Investigating the Impact of Artificial Intelligence

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1858-4.ch008
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Today, HR lending helps technology develop quickly by automating manual work. Future HR will be led by AI. AI can transform your HR experience. AI will automate HRM tasks including recruitment, selection, L&D, and performance management. AI in HR would eliminate 85% of manual work. Future AI will be increasingly crucial. AI will boost employee productivity by improving decision-making and strategic planning. Robotics innovation, which includes AI and the internet of things, has created several professional opportunities. Industry 4.0 may improve precision, efficiency, and flexibility. Industry 4.0 involves several adjustments, including HR. Industry 4.0 makes HR competence more important and gives organizations an edge. HR should be more cautious and flexible to meet challenges. The study examines AI's role in HR digitization and Industry 4.0 practices. For this, HR specialists from IT, manufacturing, and administration are interviewed on five AI applications in HR capabilities and three HR readiness factors.
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Introduction To The Chapter

The concept of Industry 4.0 has been introduced during the past decade with the aim of enhancing the industrial sector and addressing its limitations. Now, the advent of Industry 5.0 has emerged as the next phase in this progression. The implementation of smart factories has been observed to contribute to the enhancement of corporate productivity. Consequently, it can be argued that the advent of Industry 4.0 is not without its restrictions. This chapter presents a comprehensive analysis of the benefits and limits associated with industry 5.0, along with a discussion on potential avenues for further research in this field. Industry 5.0 is a paradigm shift that is poised to bring about significant changes. It is characterized by a decreased reliance on technology and an increased recognition of the potential for advancement through collaborative efforts between humans and machines. The utilization of personalized products in the context of the industrial revolution is contributing to the enhancement of consumer happiness. In contemporary business, the integration of advanced technologies necessitates the adoption of Industry 5.0 in order to attain a competitive edge and foster economic expansion for manufacturing enterprises. This article seeks to examine the potential uses of Industry 5.0. Initially, a discourse ensues on the delineations of industry 5.0 and the requisite sophisticated technology integral to this paradigm shift in the industrial sector. Furthermore, there is ongoing discourse regarding the potential applications facilitated by industry 5.0, including several sectors such as healthcare, supply chain management, manufacturing production, and cloud manufacturing, among others. This study examines several technologies, namely big data analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), collaborative robotics, Blockchain, digital twins, and future 6G systems. This study also encompasses the challenges and concerns investigated in this work with regards to understanding the issues arising from the interaction between organizations, robots, and individuals in the assembly line.

The advent of the first industrial revolution, also referred to as Industry 1.0, in the 18th century, brought about a significant transformation characterized by the introduction of mechanized production methods and procedures. This era witnessed the emergence of machines as the primary means of manufacturing various goods. The Industrial Revolution originated in England in 1760 and then spread to the United States towards the conclusion of the eighteenth century. The advent of Industry 1.0 brought about a significant transition from a handicraft-based economy to one characterized by the dominance of technology. This transformation had a profound impact on various sectors including mining, textile production, agriculture, glass manufacturing, and others. The period between 1871 and 1914 witnessed a significant transition in the industrial sector, sometimes referred to as Industry 2.0. This transformative phase facilitated expedited mobility of individuals and the dissemination of groundbreaking concepts. The ongoing revolution is characterized by a notable expansion in economic activity, accompanied by a significant rise in business productivity (Manoharan, G., et al., 2024). Consequently, this has led to a jump in unemployment rates as robots progressively replace human labor in various industrial sectors.

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