Human-Centered Design Approach to Autonomous Electric Vehicles: Revolutionizing Mobility

Human-Centered Design Approach to Autonomous Electric Vehicles: Revolutionizing Mobility

R. Giri, Neeraja B., Akram M. Alhamad, Pushpa Latha Mamidi, Somasundaram R., Sampath Boopathi
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1862-1.ch006
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The chapter emphasizes the importance of human-centered design in the development, adoption, and user experience of autonomous electric vehicles (AEVs). It highlights the need for AEVs to prioritize user needs, preferences, and behaviors, allowing them to become seamless extensions of daily life. The paper also highlights the importance of inclusive design practices and the symbiotic relationship between human occupants and autonomous technology, emphasizing the need for intuitive interfaces, adaptive environments, and transparent communication channels. This abstract discusses the multidisciplinary approach needed for user-centric autonomous vehicles (AEVs), incorporating psychology, sociology, ergonomics, and user experience research. It highlights the iterative design process, where feedback loops and user testing refine features. It also addresses ethical considerations like privacy and algorithmic biases.
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Autonomous electric vehicles (AEVs) are revolutionizing transportation by offering safer, more efficient, and environmentally sustainable mobility solutions. They can transform urban landscapes, redefine commuting patterns, and reduce global transportation systems' environmental impact. However, their success relies on technological advancements and the seamless integration of humans into the autonomous driving experience. Human-centered design is a philosophy that prioritizes user needs, preferences, and experiences in the design process. It is particularly important in the context of autonomous vehicles (AEVs), as it aims to bridge the gap between technology and human intuition, trust, and acceptance. This approach allows AEVs to become integrated, intuitive, and seamless parts of daily life(Xing et al., 2021).

The integration of AEVs into society depends on addressing human factors like trust, safety, comfort, accessibility, and usability. AEVs must mimic human decision-making capabilities while ensuring passenger safety. This requires understanding human behavior, psychology, and cognitive science, along with innovative design solutions that prioritize user safety and comfort. Designing AEVs faces a challenge in fostering trust among users who may be hesitant about relinquishing control. Human-centered design can help by providing transparent communication channels, intuitive interfaces, and responsive feedback mechanisms. This approach instills confidence in the reliability, safety, and performance of AEVs, paving the way for widespread adoption and acceptance(Veitch & Alsos, 2021).

Furthermore, human-centered design is essential for ensuring that AEVs are accessible to users of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. By considering the diverse needs of passengers, including individuals with disabilities and elderly users, designers can create inclusive environments that accommodate a wide range of mobility preferences and requirements. From adjustable seating configurations to voice-activated controls and tactile feedback systems, AEVs can leverage technology to enhance accessibility and empower users to navigate their surroundings with confidence and independence. Human-centered design is crucial in enhancing the user experience of autonomous vehicles (AEVs). From the moment passengers enter the vehicle to the end of their journey, every aspect of the interface, interior layout, and onboard amenities should be thoughtfully designed to optimize comfort, convenience, and enjoyment. This can be achieved through ambient lighting, soundscapes, personalized entertainment, and productivity features(Zhang et al., 2021).

Human-centered design is crucial for autonomous electric vehicles (AEVs), as it offers safer, efficient, and user-friendly mobility solutions. By prioritizing user needs, preferences, and experiences, AEVs can overcome technological barriers, enriching passengers' lives and contributing to a sustainable, inclusive transportation ecosystem. AEVs are a promising solution to modern transportation challenges, offering potential to reduce traffic accidents and carbon emissions. However, achieving this potential requires a comprehensive understanding of human interaction and perception of autonomous vehicles, as they are a significant advancement in the field of transportation(Jiang et al., 2020).

The integration of autonomous driving technology and electric propulsion has revolutionized the transportation industry, paving the way for autonomous electric vehicles (AEVs). These vehicles have the potential to revolutionize mobility by reducing road fatalities and injuries by eliminating human error. Additionally, AEVs can anticipate and react to potential hazards with precision, thereby enhancing the safety of passengers, pedestrians, and other road users. This intersection of technologies holds immense promise for addressing modern transportation challenges. AEVs not only enhance road safety but also reduce environmental impact of transportation by operating on clean, renewable electric power. This shift towards electrification reduces local air pollution and combats climate change by curbing carbon emissions from the transportation sector, a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions(Boy, 2017).

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