How Will Metaverse and AI Change Traditional Marketing Techniques?

How Will Metaverse and AI Change Traditional Marketing Techniques?

Ozge Doguc
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7029-9.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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The development of technology has transformed the process of product development and customer relationship building. It shows impressive results in deep learning and AI applications. Companies can see farther and make data-driven decisions by leveraging advanced technology solutions managed by AI. Deep learning can be used to analyze and integrate large databases. Considering deep learning activities, it could be a significant opportunity to meet customers' needs and help companies develop profitable new products. Likewise, virtual worlds bring a new approach to marketing. The concept of the metaverse can be described as a simulated reality. Metaverse can enable the creation of virtual reality worlds by integrating online experiences. This chapter discusses how AI and deep learning affect marketing. In this context, industrial opportunities of AI in various marketing activities, AI, strategic marketing, and understanding consumer behaviors will be focused on, and cases of companies using deep learning applications will be included.
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There is a growing number of organizations that compete using technology to generate greater impacts on potential consumers. The participation of consumers has a positive impact on the cognitive image and the affective image, likewise, the formation of the image and the purchase intention vary according to the platform used to access the information (Islam et al., 2009). It is a reality that the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) will accelerate on the digital frontier, reducing the gap between consumers and technology, in such a way that more and more resources are invested in this sector. Following the same line of thought, companies manage their data trough AI, which allowed humans to have more time to carry out other activities that were more useful to the organization, thus generating greater customer satisfaction (Li & Yost, 2000).

Before proceeding with the relationship between AI and marketing, it is important to define marketing as the ability to satisfy consumer needs and wants sometimes, somehow, somewhere, and in some way (Godwin-Jones, 2019). That is why, following the same line of thought, they jump to view between the skills available to AI, machine learning and deep learning.

Concepts that will gradually be used more frequently to improve marketing strategies, thus smoothing out some of the main rough edges between market supply and demand. Likewise, although we are currently experiencing a revolution caused by the different perspectives around technology, this event will have even more great impacts, since it will link totally autonomous devices with others that still require human operation. Marketing, as one of the main business functions, has a large share in the implementation of the business strategy and the realization of its vision, and provides many competitive advantages to businesses in adopting new technologies and adapting to today's conditions. AI is used in market analysis, customer identification, marketing strategy, planning, product management, price strategy, distribution channels and supply chain management, marketing communication, in short, almost all marketing activities.

Metaverse introduces a new world of opportunities for the companies to expand their operations. It is poised to become the next big milestone in the evolution of the internet that will change how private and public-sector businesses work. And, as with many tech revolutions like the cell phone or mobile computing, it will be driven by the consumer, looking for the same digital experience at work that they experience in the home.

The next sections explain how AI has been used in marketing in the recent years and discuss Metaverse’s impact on the existing marketing applications. First, concepts of AI, ML and deep learning are provided. Later in the chapter, information about the previous work on AI and metaverse is given. Finally, the future of marketing through metaverse is discussed.

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