How India Is Able to Control Inflation During the Russia-Ukraine War

How India Is Able to Control Inflation During the Russia-Ukraine War

Abhishek Anand, Sarparaj Ramanand Sagar, Chandan Kumar
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8488-3.ch017
(Individual Chapters)
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The case study focusses upon the control of inflation in India during the time of higher inflation rates globally. Post pandemic and Russia-Ukraine war have had a great negative impact on ongoing slow growth of the economies globally. All the economies all over the world are facing economic instability, having higher inflation and increasing unemployment in the economy. The study discusses the policy regarding crude oil, which is a major contributor in Consumer Price Index for inflation, increase in exports of agricultural products, and gains in trade from the trade of fertilizers. The case will try to study the impact of Russia-Ukraine war on the economy in context of India, draw attention towards the situation faced by the countries after the sanctions on Russia implemented by them. How the countries globally are facing energy security and India through its policy is importing many of the commodities at discounted prices compared to prices in the international market.
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Impact Of Russia Sanctions On Europe

Sanctions being imposed on Russia have impacted Russia, but also have caused a challenge and negative impact causing strain on Europe and the West. There are many threats which are being faced by Europe by imposing sanctions on Russia such as-

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