Historic-Phenomenological Evaluation of the Christian Experience in the Threshold of Human Development in Nigeria: Experience From Ibesikpo Asutan in Akwa Ibom State

Historic-Phenomenological Evaluation of the Christian Experience in the Threshold of Human Development in Nigeria: Experience From Ibesikpo Asutan in Akwa Ibom State

Victor Bassey Edet
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4595-9.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


Evolving discourses within the sphere of Christian experience and social development reveals that social transformation in the society cannot be separated from spiritual transformation. Religion as a social phenomenon has therefore become an acknowledged and strategic dimension in the development thinking and practice in contemporary society. But despite apparent contributions of religion to the development of many societies such as Nigeria, the role of religion, especially Christianity, has not been given due recognition in the history and development of a number of societies such as Ibesikpo Asutan of Akwa Ibom State. This study therefore examines the religious experience of the people towards development between 1912 when Christianity arrived and 2019. The method adopted for this work is the phenomenological and descriptive designs. Findings reveal that besides the consciousness of the transcendent and the question of God's existence, Christian missions in Ibesikpo Asutan have contributed immensely toward the development of the area.
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There is a growing interest in the public arena about the contribution of religion toward ‘public goods’ which has deepened the primacy lent to the church as a dominant force in human development. Over the years, Christianity has exerted great impact on the development of Nigerian society including Ibesikpo Asutan in Akwa Ibom State. Mission Churches have also been involved in the transformation and development of their various areas of operation. Evidence abounds that before, during and after colonization; Christianity has been involved in the making of the new elite and the development of Nigerian society through education, vocation training centres, and medical services among others (Ajayi, 1965 & Ayandele, 1966). It is a well known fact that majority of leaders in Nigeria today in politics, medicine, law, civil service, and media owe their humble beginning to education in mission schools. There is no gainsaying that the primary concern of development is the improvement of the well-being of people. Raising living standards and improving education, health and equality of opportunity are also among the essential components of development which Nigerians benefited immensely from Christianity. Thus, Christianity is the bedrock upon which Nigerians, including the people of Ibesikpo Asutan get their individual and community lives transformed.

The objective of this paper therefore is that, beyond a contribution to the body of knowledge, the researcher wishes to do for Ibesikpo Asutan in Akwa Ibom State what Onah (2010) has done for Uyo Metropolis’ Christianity and Omotoye (1996) for Ilorin Metropolis’ Christianity. The researcher equally reasons that if this study is not embarked upon, the vital phenomenological as well as historical facts of Christianity and development in this area could be lost as many pioneer Christians, community leaders, ministers, and church leaders who were eye witnesses of some of the events have died and those remaining are becoming weaker each passing day. Therefore, this paper seeks to undertake this task before it becomes too late. The work takes off from 1912 because it was the year Christianity first entered Ibesikpo Asutan according to Amamkpa (1976:8) and ends in 2019 because the year 2020 had not ended when this study was carried out.

Ibesikpo Asutan in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

Ibesikpo Asutan is one of the thirty-one Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, in South South Nigeria. It is made up of two Clans namely Ibesikpo and Asutan Clans. Ibesikpo Asutan comprises of forty three villages. According to1991 census, Ibesikpo Asutan has a population of about 137,127. It is part of Ibibio which is the main ethnic group that is the largest in the State. The main activity for the survival and development of Ibesikpo Asutan are farming and trading. In the words of Edet (2011) Ibesikpo Asutan Local Government Area was created on October 1, 1996 by Sani Abacha Military administration. It comprises Ibesipo Clan excised from Uyo, and Asutan carved out of the then Ekpe Atai Local Government Areas. The two clans were then merged and called, Ibesikpo Asutan Local Government Area.

Ibesikpo Asutan, like any other Nigerian ethnic group operates a subsistence economy. The basis for engaging in food production is to enable the people to feed themselves. Mass production of goods and commercial purposes is rarely considered necessary. The people have a versatile economy which includes farming, hunting, palm oil production, Animal Husbandry/cottage industries. Subsistence farming is the main occupation in which men, women and children take active part (Amamkpa, 1976). The subsidiary but important food crops are cassava, cocoyam, maize, yam, plantain/banana and oil palms. Among all these, cassava is the most important and most community cultivated crop in the area. It is very popular and has various species which are easily adaptable to different types of soil.

Again, any distinct society is always recognized by the culture that its members embrace. This culture can be seen through external things such as arts, crafts, house furniture, religious beliefs, family life, and ways of spending leisure, language patterns, dressing, social life style, music and dancing among others. The people of Ibesikpo Asutan in Akwa Ibom State always maintain a high level of respect for their cultural heritage and try to live within it.

Figure 1.



Key Terms in this Chapter

Pioneer: A person, group or thing that is first or among the earliest in any field of inquiry, enterprise, or development.

Christian Mission: A Christian mission is an organized effort to spread Christianity to new converts. The Church's mission is to carry out and continue the work of Jesus Christ on Earth. The Church, and those in it, must: share the Word of God.

Spirituality: Spirituality is referred to as visions, near death experiences, past life and out of body experiences. Spirituality is thus a wider term that includes a variety of ways of approaching what is believed to be sacred, and in the process exceeds the set boundaries of institutionalised religion.

Spiritual Transformation: Spiritual transformation refers primarily to a fundamental change in the place of the sacred or the character of the sacred as an object of significance in life, and secondarily to a fundamental change in the pathways the individual takes to the sacred.

Mission: A vocation or calling of a religious organization, especially a Christian one, to go out into the world and spread its faith.

Christian Spirituality: Christian spirituality can be understood as the way in which Christian individuals or groups experience or practise the presence of God. Spirituality is not merely an intimate encounter with the divine, but an intimate relationship with the personal God who is always and only faithful to his covenant love. The experience referred to in Christian spirituality stems from a personal relationship with God. The experience has to do with our experience of God and with the transformation of our consciousness and our lives as a result of that experience.

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