Higher Education in India and the Influence of Online Certification Programs

Higher Education in India and the Influence of Online Certification Programs

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1698-6.ch010
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Online education has grown rapidly in the 21st century. Online courses and MOOCs have advanced higher education in India. This chapter examines India's growing online learning sector, focusing on the recent decade. The writers examined the roles of private and public education enterprises. The Indian government's SWAYAM platform offers a wide choice of courses and attracts students of all ages and academic backgrounds. Over the past decade, educational start-ups have created jobs and new career paths. Increasing connections between educational start-ups and multinational universities are expanding education globally. This study compares private and public online courses to determine how online education improves employability across industries. The many distance learning challenges have been discussed.
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India is widely recognized for its significant presence of higher education institutions on a global scale. Within the context of a university, it is not uncommon for there to be a large number of individuals, potentially numbering in the thousands. University Grants Commission emphasizes that universities are obligated to engage in research activities to produce novel information, enhance capabilities, and cultivate a talented pool of individuals through rigorous education, research, and extension endeavors. The Commission on University Grants in 2003. It is widely recognized that those who possess a degree from an institution of higher education tend to have higher earnings, a greater likelihood of employment, and a reduced probability of experiencing economic hardship compared to those without a higher educational qualification. These individuals also have notable societal advantages, such as improved cognitive capabilities, heightened concentration on job-related tasks, and a tendency to engage in public welfare endeavors. According to Payea and Baum (2013), the economic growth of any nation is intricately connected to the level of literacy among its populace.

The objectives of higher education may differ throughout civilizations, but the presence of structured research and pedagogy consistently constitute integral elements of the institution. Universities actively engage in skill development initiatives with the aim of cultivating a workforce characterized by exceptional proficiency. The contemporary focus on skill enhancement within the realm of higher education has resulted in a transformation in the methods by which knowledge is acquired and degrees are earned. Kromydas (2017) conducted a study. In the current global economy, characterized by an increasing reliance on knowledge, the significance of higher education has become increasingly pronounced. A notable discrepancy exists between the providers of advanced education and the employment sectors, posing difficulties for educated young individuals in their pursuit of suitable employment opportunities (Chan, 2016).

Alenezi, M. (2023) found that higher education educational and operational adjustments are underway. These large alterations are caused by several factors. These effects include digital transformation, online courses, digital-navy students, operational costs, and micro and nano degrees. Student learning is supported by digital technology that include formalised learning environments in higher education. HEIs must deal with the digital transformation (DT) in all its forms due to the Industrial Revolution 4.0's technical progress. Digital transformation strategies in education are gaining interest because they allow us to characterise stakeholder relationships in a digitally enabled context of teaching and learning. This report describes the digital transformation implementation process for higher education institutions. How digital learning fits into current higher education's ecosystem. Higher education institutions need more research to understand digital transformation and meet fourth Industrial Revolution expectations.

According to Calderon (2018), there is a projected increase of 281% in the number of memberships in higher instruction over the three-decade period from 2000 to 2030. This significant growth signifies a clear surge in demand for access to higher education. According to Kromydas (2017), contemporary policies are increasingly prioritizing the expansion of higher education access to a broader population. These policies specifically target various demographic groups, such as those from different socioeconomic backgrounds, individuals with disabilities, and diverse ethnic communities. This requirement could be additionally fulfilled by the increasing number of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The progress in technology has significantly reduced the cost and enhanced the feasibility of distant higher education compared to the conventional method of in-class active learning, hence increasing the accessibility of higher education (Ashtikar & Geetha Manoharan, 2022).

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