Healthcare Technologies for Pregnant Women

Healthcare Technologies for Pregnant Women

S. Alwyn Rajiv, R. Nancy Deborah, P. Uma Maheswari, A. Vinora, G. Sivakarthi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8974-1.ch004
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Monitoring the health conditions of pregnant women is very important and a vital task for ensuring the wellbeing of the pregnant women and the fetus. Technological advancements are exponentially increasing and the same can be used to provide healthcare services for pregnant women. Healthcare for mothers and children is widely valued by governments as a component of public health. During this time, pregnant women and their unborn children are especially vulnerable to medical crises. To avoid health issues and guarantee a baby's healthy development, prompt medical care is essential. Pregnant women can completely manage their own health with the help of data mining, analysis, interpretation, and expert medical guidance. What's more crucial is that wearables for pregnant women quickly assist in disclosing health concerns and high-risk factors, allowing hospitals to perform prompt interventions. This leads to the increasing need for healthcare technologies for pregnant women.
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1 Introduction

Many healthcare technologies are being utilized or developed today to improve human health. Several instances include:

  • Electronic Health Records (EHRs) - Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are digitized patient health records that are accessible by healthcare professionals. They provide better patient safety as well as more effective and coordinated care.

  • Telemedicine - Through video conferencing, phone conversations, or messaging, telemedicine enables remote medical consultations and treatment. The COVID-19 epidemic has made it more crucial than ever since it enables patients to obtain care without having to leave their homes.

  • Wearable Technology - Wearable technology may measure a person's health indicators, including heart rate, number of steps done, and sleep habits. Examples of wearable technology include fitness trackers and smartwatches. They can assist people in managing chronic diseases such as diabetes and asthma.

  • Medical Imaging - Medical imaging techniques like X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans enable medical professionals to see inside the human body and identify diseases. They are crucial for diagnosing and managing a variety of illnesses and injuries.

  • Precision Medicine - To customise medical treatments for specific patients, precision medicine makes use of genetic and molecular data. This strategy can lessen negative effects and enhance therapeutic results.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) - AI offers a wide range of potential uses in the healthcare industry, including the ability to forecast disease outbreaks, examine medical pictures, and create individualised treatment regimens.


2 Healthcare Technologies For Women

Numerous medical innovations have been created expressly with women's health in mind. Here are a few instances:

  • Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) - Also referred to as 3D mammography, DBT is a more recent technique for detecting breast cancer that uses numerous X-ray pictures taken from various perspectives. This makes it possible to obtain a more precise and in-depth view of the breast tissue, which makes it simpler to identify breast cancer in its early stages.

  • Femtech - Femtech is a phrase used to describe a variety of technologies, including wearables and applications, that are intended to enhance the health of women. Examples include pelvic floor trainers, fertility monitors, and period monitoring applications.

  • Robotic surgery - Endometriosis excision, myomectomy, and other gynaecological operations may now be performed using only minimally invasive techniques thanks to robotic surgery. In comparison to conventional surgery, robotic surgery is linked with less pain, fewer problems, and a quicker recovery.

  • Cervical Cancer Screening – A more recent technique for detecting the virus that is responsible for the majority of cervical cancer cases is the human papillomavirus (HPV) test. This examination can be used in place of or in addition to a Pap smear.

  • Pregnancy Monitoring - Several technologies, including fetal monitoring systems, ultrasound imaging, and non-invasive prenatal testing, can assist in keeping tabs on a pregnant woman's and her unborn child's health.


3 Healthcare Technologies For Pregnant Women

The pregnancy is a major milestone in a woman's life, and both the mother's and the fetus's health are crucial. The healthcare sector has made tremendous progress in creating technology that support managing and monitoring pregnant women's health. These technologies cover everything from invasive fetal abnormality diagnosis techniques to non-invasive monitoring gadgets.

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