Healthcare Security Assessment in the Big Data Era: Lessons From Turkey

Healthcare Security Assessment in the Big Data Era: Lessons From Turkey

Ionica Oncioiu, Oana Claudia Ionescu
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6311-6.ch011
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By its nature, the improvement of the individual's health is a service that involves a rigorous sharing of data in real time. Integrating innovative advances in technologies into the healthcare system by organizations from Turkey is a challenge, an approach to the economic and social boundary, and an attempt to balance consumer-oriented actions. This chapter aims to contribute to the decrease of the shortcomings that exist in the healthcare security assessment by focusing on data mining for public institutions and organizations in Turkey.
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The presentation of public services and the decision to implement public policies have been reshaped since the 1980s with the wave of administrative reform (Ozcan, 2008).

As a result of adopting the private sector in the organizational structure and processes, a similar relation is established between the public organizations and the citizen with the market mechanisms and the innovative service methods are started to be applied. Living change accounted for public administrators and to increase public organizations' productivity.

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