Healthcare Records Maintenace in Smart Cities for Healthcare 4.0: A Approach With Blockchain

Healthcare Records Maintenace in Smart Cities for Healthcare 4.0: A Approach With Blockchain

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2109-6.ch010
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Healthcare records management systems are essential for ensuring the security, integrity, and accessibility of patient data. Data breaches, unauthorized access, and inefficiencies in data sharing are all issues that traditional systems face. This chapter describes a novel approach to healthcare records management that incorporates block chain technology, specifically Ganache, Truffle, Meta Mask, and the MEAN stack. Meta Mask improves the user experience by providing a secure and easy-to-use authentication mechanism. The MEAN stack aids in the creation of a responsive and dynamic web application. The proposed system's design, implementation, and testing are all part of the research methodology. Security assessments, performance benchmarks, and user feedback are all examples of evaluation metrics. The results show increased data security, streamlined access controls, and improved data sharing capabilities.
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The impetus for this project derives from the urgent need to solve the various flaws in healthcare record administration. Current systems are vulnerable to data breaches, lack transparency, and suffer from data silos, all of which impede timely patient treatment and research. Block chain technology provides a decentralized, secure, and tamper-proof system that has the ability to transform healthcare records. We hope that by using this technology, we will be able to give patients more control over their data, increase data integrity, expedite interoperability across healthcare providers, and ultimately improve patient outcomes. The initiative aims to solve these critical challenges by leveraging block chain's disruptive potential in healthcare.

Project Objective

The primary goal of this project is to design, create, and test a viable block chain-based system for managing healthcare records. This system will strive to secure data security, integrity, and patient privacy while also allowing for smooth data interchange across healthcare providers. Specifically, the project aims to establish a secure patient identity verification system, a decentralized ledger for healthcare information, and safe, patient-controlled data sharing. Furthermore, the project will investigate healthcare regulatory compliance as well as the practicality and scalability of block chain technology in healthcare. The project's ultimate goal is to deliver a comprehensive solution to improve the healthcare records management environment.


The goal of this project is to conceptualize, design, create, and test a block chain-based healthcare records management system. It will entail looking at existing block chain technology and healthcare data standards, as well as creating a proof-of-concept application. The project will prioritize data security, privacy, and integrity, as well as patient consent management and compatibility with existing healthcare systems. It should be noted, however, that this project will not address the comprehensive integration of the proposed system into the larger healthcare infrastructure, but would instead provide a basic framework for future deployment and adoption in the healthcare sector.


The authors collectively bring a diverse range of expertise and experiences vital to the conception, development, and realization of this research. Dr. Rohit Rastogi led the conceptualization and design phase, leveraging their extensive knowledge in healthcare informatics and block chain technology. Mr. Prabhinav Mishra contributed significantly to the technical implementation, particularly in integrating Ganache, Truffle, Meta Mask, and the MEAN stack, drawing from their expertise in software development and block chain architecture. Mr. Rayush Jain played a pivotal role in data analysis and evaluation, employing their statistical proficiency to assess system performance and security metrics. Mr. Shahjahan provided critical insights into the healthcare domain's requirements and implications, ensuring the system's alignment with industry standards and user needs. The collaborative effort and synergy among the authors were instrumental in every phase of this research, from ideation to experimentation and documentation, resulting in a comprehensive and impactful contribution to the field of block chain-enabled healthcare records management.


Prototype/System: A working prototype or system that demonstrates the use of block chain technology, Ganache for local testing, Truffle for smart contracts, Meta Mask for secure authentication, and the MEAN stack for web application development.

Technical Documentation: Extensive documentation documenting the system architecture, design decisions, implementation approaches, and codebase explanations to facilitate comprehension and future development.

Research Paper: A thorough research paper that details the project's aims, methods, findings, and consequences. Sections on system design, installation, evaluation metrics, findings, and conclusions are included.

User Guides and Manuals: Documents that train users, administrators, and developers on how to interact with and manage the system, including Meta Mask, web interface navigation, and system deployment.

Key Terms in this Chapter

MEAN Stack: MEAN Stack is a full-stack JavaScript framework comprising MongoDB (database), Express.js (backend framework), AngularJS (frontend framework), and Node.js (runtime environment). It provides an end-to-end development stack for building scalable and dynamic web applications.

Smart Contract Deployment: Smart contract deployment involves the implementation and activation of self-executing contracts on a block chain. These contracts, written in code, automatically execute predefined actions when specific conditions are met, facilitating trust and automation in various processes.

Block Chain Technology: Block chain is a decentralized and distributed ledger technology that records data in a secure, tamper-resistant manner. It consists of a chain of blocks, each containing a cryptographic hash of the previous block, providing a transparent and verifiable way to record and verify transactions or information.

Interoperability: Interoperability refers to the ability of different systems, software, or components to exchange and interpret data seamlessly. In the context of healthcare, interoperability enables the sharing and utilization of health information across various platforms and applications

Healthcare Records Management: Healthcare Records Management involves the systematic organization, storage, retrieval, and maintenance of patient health information. It encompasses the creation, maintenance, and secure handling of electronic and paper-based medical records to ensure accuracy, confidentiality, and accessibility.

Data Security: Data security involves implementing measures to protect digital information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. It encompasses the use of encryption, access controls, and other safeguards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.

Ganache: Ganache is a personal block chain for Ethereum development. It provides a local environment for testing and development, allowing developers to create and test Ethereum applications in a secure and controlled setting.

Meta Mask: Meta Mask is a cryptocurrency wallet and browser extension that enables users to interact with decentralized applications (DApps) on the Ethereum block chain. It serves as a gateway for users to manage their digital assets and securely access block chain-based applications.

Decentralized System: A decentralized system is a network or structure where decision-making, control, or data storage is distributed across multiple nodes or locations. This approach aims to enhance resilience, security, and efficiency by reducing reliance on a central authority.

Truffle: Truffle is a development framework for Ethereum that simplifies the process of building, deploying, and managing smart contracts. It offers a suite of tools and libraries to streamline the development workflow for blockchain applications.

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