Health Services Delivery and Satisfaction

Health Services Delivery and Satisfaction

Fatih Altan, Aykut Ekiyor, Demet Unalan
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-5036-6.ch006
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Health services include the services provided to prevent the occurrence of diseases and disabilities, to ensure that the sick and disabled are restored to their former health, and to those who cannot regain their health, to adapt to the environment. As an essential element of the health system, health services appear as an important factor in raising the health level of the society. Reforms in health systems worldwide have been carried out to increase the health level of the community and improve the quality of health services. Satisfaction is one of the critical determinants of quality in health services. It is possible to mention many factors that affect satisfaction in health services. However, in the literature, it is emphasized that health personnel-patient interaction, trust in a health institution, the fee of service received, physical facilities of the health institution, and nutrition services affect satisfaction.
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Health is the most important concept for everyone. Prevention of diseases, establishing a healthy environment, and consequently raising the health of the society are among the priorities of all governments. The services provided to meet the health needs of society can be defined as health services. Different institutions can provide these services.

The content of the concept of health should be well known before the definition of health services. In ancient times, the idea of health as a balance between a human being and the environment, spirit, and body unity, and the natural source of the disease was the backbone of health perception. In the 5th century BC, Pindar emphasized the physical dimension of health as a “harmonious functioning of the organs,” along with the absence of pain and a sense of comfort. Even today, his definition is seen as a prerequisite for comprehensive health and well-being. Plato (429-347 BC), on the other hand, emphasizes that “sturdy head in sturdy body” and emphasizes that people can achieve their health as much as they can adapt to the physical and social environment (Svalastog, Donev, Kristoffersen, & Gajović, 2017).

Health is the concept that everyone is cared about and thought to be too well known to define, but everyone is very variable and complex. The World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948 (Hayran, 2013). According to WHO law of establishment (WHO, 2006);

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Although the definition of WHO has been subject to many criticisms, it has not been changed. Criticism concentrates on the word “complete well-being” in the definition, as this expression causes many people to call it unhealthy (Smith, 2008). In fact, this expression expresses perfection, even ideal. It is challenging to reach this degree (Hayran, 2013). From this definition, it can be said that many factors directly or indirectly influence health.

Blum (1974), by developing an environmental approach to the concept of health, argued that health is affected by four primary factors. The factors affecting health in Blum’s holistic health model are explained below (Kavuncubaşı, & Yıldırım, 2018).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Secondary Care: It is usually urgent counseling.

Tertiary Care: It refers to sub-branch or categorical referral services provided in regional medical centers such as university hospitals.

Primary Care: It is the first part of the patient entering the health system given by family physicians who are general practitioners, pediatricians, or general surgeons. They are usually offered in outpatient treatment centers or practice.

Preventive Health Services: It is when services are formed by health protection and disease prevention.

Rehabilitation Services: They are services focused on restoring physical and mental skills lost by people due to illness or accident.

Person-Centeredness: It is when services are organized based on the person, not according to disease or financing.

Health Services: Health services can be expressed as all the services provided to protect and improve health, prevent diseases, treat the patients to the extent possible, prevent disabilities, provide medical and social rehabilitation services to the disabled and provide people with qualified and long life.

Customer Loyalty Metrics: They are often related to the possibility of repurchasing the product or service, recommending it to other people, and the probability of complaining.

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