Hand Gesture Recognition: The Road Ahead

Hand Gesture Recognition: The Road Ahead

Hitesh Kumar Sharma, Tanupriya Choudhury
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9434-6.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
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Hand gesture recognition (HGR) is a natural kind of human-machine interaction that has been used in a variety of settings. In this chapter, the authors address work in the field of HGR applications in industrial robots, with an emphasis on processing stages and approaches in gesture-based human-robot interaction (HRI), which may be beneficial to other researchers. They examine several similar research in the field of HGR that use a variety of techniques, including sensor-based and vision-based approaches. They discovered that the 3D vision-based HGR technique is a hard but interesting study field after comparing the two methodologies. Hand gesture recognition has a major application for disabled peoples. The person who is not able to speak can use these kinds of systems to control the devices or various applications in his/her machine. This technology also has vast potential in the gaming industry. The gaming industry has already adapted this technique.
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Human Robert Interaction is such a field where hand gesture recognition can play a major role. Even though its implementation has already been introduced in Human Robot Interaction but still some high advancements can be done. In other words, hand gesture recognition is a virtual form of sign language. Through hand gestures we can instruct the robot to perform various tasks (K. Banjarey et al. 2022).

For example: If a human wants a robot to make some coffee, there will be different hand gestures required for the same. The robot will scan the hand gesture, process it into its memory and will give the desired output. The desired output will be given after performing the following steps:

  • 1.

    First hand gesture will instruct the robot to boil defined quantity of water.

  • 2.

    Second hand gesture will instruct the robot to add fixed amount of coffee and sugar as prescribed by the human.

  • 3.

    And with the final hand gesture the robot will serve the coffee.

Therefore, with the help of hand gesture recognition it is possible for the robot to perform every possible human day-to-day activities (K. Banjarey et al. (2021))(P. Pardhi et al. (2021)). In figure 1, we have shown the various applications of hand gesture recognition.

Figure 1.

Applications of hand gesture recognition


Today’s youth is very fond of games. From children to adults everyone in today’s time plays various types of games. Gaming along with its amazing graphics is a trend growing up so fast. We all have grown up playing board games like ludo king, snakes and ladders, monopoly, scrabble, axis and allies, chess and so on (Challa, S.K. et al. (2021)). In earlier time, these games were only present as board games but now these same games are present online and we can download them for free from Google Play Store. In 21st century, a game called as pubg is very famous. It is an online game and contains very amazing graphics and concepts of gaming (Dua, N. et al. (2021)). The only way to play pubg is to use your laptop/mobile screen along with your fingers giving instructions. What if we could use hand gesture recognition for the same? Hand gesture recognition would make the playing of games so simpler as by only moving your body parts in front of the screen would give computer instructions and the action will be performed inside the game. Hand gesture recognition will also benefit the human health as well. Right now, gamers are sitting on their chair and using only their fingers to play the game but with the help of hand gesture recognition gamer will be doing different actions which will allow the body to exercise. We can built a special software for the hand gesture recognition. For example: we can design an in-built feature inside the laptop/mobile cameras of gamers and insert the required gestures needed for the gaming and save it in the system memory. As peripheral devices, this system simply requires small, low-cost RGB (Red Green Blue) high speed cameras. At the same time, 3D modeling system based on hand gesture recognition also need to be introduced into the system (Dua, N. et al. (2021))(D. K. Dewangan et al. (2021)).


Literature Review

HGR is considered one of the most important feature of human body to identified his/her actual feelings and activities. An expert system used for automatic recognition of facial expression has lots of applications in this era. Animated Movies, Real-time advertisement, Healthcare, Gaming, Entertainment, sociable robotics and many others areas are the core potential sectors for these expert systems (Dua, N. et al. (2021)). Interaction between Human and Robot (HRI) is an emerging technology used for developing an interactional environments for a computational and expert system to understand emotional gestures and interact through some channels for communication between robot and human. It is used for responding to user based upon his/her emotional gesture (T. Mantecón et al. (2016)). Human creates many gesture on his/her face using eye, nose, mouth hands etc. (Kumar Sharma, H et al. (2018))(H.-J. Kim (2008)). There are many methods already discovered to identify these gestures and act accordingly. PCA (Principal Component Analysis)(Ali A et al. (2018)) and LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis)(C. Szegedy et al. (2015))(HK Sharma et al. 2013)(HK Sharma et al. (2015)) are some high accuracy methods have been used in many expert system for facial gesture recognition systems.

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