Green Technologies and Sustainable Development for the Green World

Green Technologies and Sustainable Development for the Green World

Alex Khang, Ragimova Nazila Ali, Vugar Abdullayev Hajimahmud, Vusala Alyar Abuzarova
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-6016-3.ch001
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Modern living is developing in harmony with technology. Considering the past, lifestyle, people, and accordingly the environment has started to change. Over the course of time, especially in the recent past, humans have been able to change their relationship with nature. However, this process has especially damaged nature. Of course, this damage is not one-sided. With the beginning of the industrial revolution, human damage to nature began to increase. On the other hand, individual consciousness in the direction of “protecting nature” has already begun to develop in modern people. And this has also started to show itself in the development of technology. In modern times, technologies have begun to be developed and applied as “environment-friendly”. Under this other name, it has entered our lives as “green technologies”. And green technologies have become one of the main parts of a “green and sustainable” living. In this chapter, along with the transformation of technologies into green technology, their contribution to greener and sustainable living, the basics of greener and sustainable living, sustainable development, and how important green technologies are for sustainable and greener living are mentioned. It is one of the main tasks and duties of today's humanity to achieve a more sustainable living and leave a healthier nature to future generations by making certain changes to the existing infrastructure.
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1. Introduction

One of the main steps for the future of humanity is the implementation of a cleaner, higher quality of life, the mutual but harmless influence of both people and nature. Here, one of the main keywords is “sustainability”. Sustainability is the foundation of humanity and nature. Sustainability created today is to ensure a better future for future generations.

Continuity of sustainability is one of the key strategies, there are many concepts related to sustainability: Sustainable development, sustainable ecosystem, sustainable living, sustainable biodiversity, sustainable resources, etc. Here we will review the concepts of sustainable development and sustainable living.

  • Technologies are one of the main aids in ensuring sustainability. In particular, smart technologies help humanity to use nature's resources efficiently. In other words, smart technologies also adapt to this process. Today, such technologies are known as “environmentally friendly” and here the term Green Technology is mainly used.

  • Green technologies are applied not only in “human-centered” areas, but in all industries: from household to large manufacturing industries. The application, both within the household and in large industries, depends first of all on one's own individual thinking. Because smart devices still depend on people to some extent.


2. Sustainability: Sustainable Development

Sustainability means meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Brundtland, 1987). Sustainable practices support environmental, human and economic health and vitality. Sustainability implies that resources are limited and should be used conservatively and wisely, taking into account long-term priorities and the consequences of resource use patterns (Sustain, 2023)

The issues and concerns (problems) embodied by sustainability are broad and numerous. They cover various issues such as resource supply (water, energy, minerals, and food), climate change and pollution, waste management (toxic, hazardous, radioactive, convention) (Rosen, 2018). The main issue is to eliminate (at least, reduce) the factors that can harm nature and to use the resources provided by nature to people efficiently.

2.1 Sustainable Development

The definition of sustainable development is similar to sustainability. On the other hand, it is possible to give various explanations for sustainable development. Sustainable development is noteworthy for four main reasons (Ozili, 2022).

  • Sustainable development is considered the ultimate goal of the United Nations plan for the planet, and many countries have agreed to achieve the goal of sustainable development (Linnér, 2013) (Bexell & Jönsson, 2017).

  • Sustainable development helps promote a sustainable planet for every generation (Weiss, 1992) (Emina, 2021).

  • Sustainable development is considered the mother of all development goals, as the goal of all other development goals is to achieve sustainable development.

  • Sustainable development is expected to bring sustainable socio-economic benefits to all people and the environment (Szymańska, 2021).

Considered as an approach, Sustainable development is an approach to development that uses resources in a way that allows them to continue to be available to others (Justice & Sandra, 2019) (Mohieldin, 2017). Briefly, a similar general definition for sustainability and sustainable development can be given: Sustainability is the education of people for the protection and proper management of resources in any field for the next generation of people and nature in human- and nature-centered processes. If this education is done in the right way, then sustainability will happen. Sustainability is an approach to development that reflects people, nature and relationships.

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