Green Knowledge Management for SMEs With an Emphasis on Human Resource

Green Knowledge Management for SMEs With an Emphasis on Human Resource

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0972-8.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
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As the world faces major environmental issues, businesses and individuals are becoming more conscious of the need to adopt sustainable practices. Therefore, “green knowledge management” has become a critical technique for merging environmental consciousness with data-driven decision-making. Green knowledge management promotes sustainable growth and ecological awareness by changing how organizations handle information, knowledge, and innovation. This chapter will describe how SMEs that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability through green information management may find it simpler to form partnerships and collaborations with like-minded enterprises to share resources and information. In conclusion, green knowledge management affects SMEs in environmental, economic, social, and strategic ways. SMEs may help create a greener, more sustainable world by adopting sustainable practices and using knowledge-driven initiatives for human resource processes.
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Introduction To Green Knowledge Management

Knowledge management (KM) is the process of identifying, creating, storing, retrieving, sharing, protecting, and analyzing the knowledge of individuals and groups within an organization with the aim of increasing that company's or individual's productivity. Knowledge management (KM) has come to be seen as an important part of company strategy development, product creation, and process management in the last two decades (Mardani et al., 2018; Qasrawi et al., 2017). Increased creativity and productivity are two outcomes of successful KM (Yusr et al., 2017). As stated by Xie et al. (2019), “green innovation” is a concept that encourages businesses to create eco-friendly goods in order to meet SD goals. “Green knowledge management” refers to the process of integrating sustainable and environmentally favorable practices into an organization's existing knowledge management system. The effects of knowledge production, dissemination, and application are minimized. This concept encourages environmentally responsible practices and a sustainable mindset. Knowledge management and environmental responsibility form the cornerstones of Green Knowledge Management. The primary goal of knowledge management is to increase the quality of an organization's decision-making processes, promote a culture of innovation, and boost productivity. Knowledge-based “green knowledge management” is a new phenomenon that has positive effects on the environment. Gauthier and Zhang (2020; Zhang et al., 2022) state that businesses may facilitate employee efficiency by providing them with up-to-date, relevant information in a format that is both environmentally friendly and simple to use. Information and human resource management are brought together to help a business flourish while also preserving the natural world (Song et al., 2022). Knowledge, both tacit and overt, that employees and management possess that contributes to a company's ability to compete and innovate is known as GKM. The connection between global knowledge management (GKM) and CSR has grown in importance for businesses in today's information-based society. If we believe Song et al. (2020), then “green knowledge” is more creative and open to discovering novel approaches to sustainability. In contrast, sustainability is a way of life that prioritizes future generations by protecting scarce natural resources, cutting down on unnecessary waste, and maintaining a clean and healthy environment. Green Knowledge Management integrates environmental sustainability with business strategy to provide an all-encompassing, actionable strategy. It's crucial to act quickly to stop environmental destruction. The consequences of inaction on climate change, resource depletion, and pollution will be catastrophic. Organizations may improve their performance through Green Knowledge Management, reducing their negative impact on the environment and bolstering efforts to keep the earth habitable. Businesses may make significant contributions to environmental protection by embracing green practices and enacting sustainable policies.

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