Green Finance Products and Investments in the Changing Business World

Green Finance Products and Investments in the Changing Business World

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8969-7.ch020
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There is a promulgation in the 21st century that those projects which are green should be given preference for financing, amid growing climate change concerns. As a result, green finance, which deals with financing sustainable projects, is in vogue. This study seeks to understand various investments in green finance as well as the green finance products such as green bonds and green insurance, along with vouching the use of weather derivatives for sustainable finance projects. The factors determining green finance are also incorporated, along with green fintech. The study finds that though investments in green finance are increasing, it is not enough. Government policy and support, innovativeness, and further awareness will determine the further investments in sustainable projects. The combination of fintech and green finance can help society to transition to near zero emissions, and protect the planet.
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The world is growing at a CAGR of 3-4% annually. However, when considered over a century, this expansion has been harmful to the ecosystem and could be considered life-threatening (Sun et al.,2020). The greatest environmental threat is climate change. Finance lies at the centre of the business parlance, providing the funds necessary for the business and he economic growth. The major sources of finance include debt, especially bonds and loans form banks, equity capital, venture capital financing and the funds by the Government or the public sector. Infrastructure development is driven by finance, notably the development of energy projects. Renewable energy projects are associated with risks due to new technologies (Sun et al.,2020), and lower returns. As a result, financial institutions are often more interested in fossil fuel endeavours than environmentally friendly ones. Now, given the deteriorating environmental conditions globally, the time has come for the finance sector to provide financing for emerging businesses that provide environmental remedies and innovations that speed the transition to sustainable societies. To accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a new file for green projects must be created, and funding for initiatives with a beneficial environmental impact must be increased. The related term ‘Green financing’ ought to encompass innovative financial instruments and regulations, including green bonds, green banks, fintech, and community-based green funds.

Green finance is a broad term that covers investments in activities and projects that promote sustainable development, environmental well-being, and policies that lead to a more sustainable economy. In recent years, there has been a lot of focus on green finance because of the need to combat climate change and promote sustainable development. This strategy recognises the critical role of finance in accomplishing environmental goals and promoting long-term economic growth. Green finance is founded on the idea that environmental protection and economic growth do not have to be mutually exclusive, but may be linked to achieve long-term sustainability. It is important to remember that climate finance is only one facet of green finance. Furthermore, green financing encompasses a broader variety of environmental goals, such as biodiversity preservation and industrial pollution reduction. Money for climate change mitigation and adaptation is very important. Investments in low-carbon technology and practises, renewable energy projects, and other measures targeted at lowering greenhouse gas emissions constitute mitigation funding. Adaptation funding, on the other hand, helps communities and ecosystems become more robust to the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and droughts. Green finance is a concept that seeks to ensure that economic growth, environmental protection, and environmental integrity all coexist (Kumar et al.,2022). Green finance is thus a blend of environmental conservation with finance. Green finance investments are driven by the need for renewable energy (Madaleno et al.,2022). Green finance refers to financial goods and services that incorporate environmental considerations while making lending decisions, monitoring post-investment, and managing risks in the banking business. These financial services are provided to stimulate environmentally responsible investments as well as the promotion of low-carbon technologies, industries, projects, and businesses.

The need for clean energy is one of the main drivers of green finance. As countries around the world seek to transition to a low-carbon economy, investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency have increased significantly. Green finance plays a vital role in supporting these efforts by providing the necessary funding for clean energy projects and initiatives.

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