Green Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development

Green Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4666-9.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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The environmental problems and employment crises throughout the world have been growing. Economic growth is one of the key parameters for economic policies expected for beneficial effects having good impact on the employment and economic well-being. Changes are required and need to find solutions for the problem instead of creating. These changes affect the environment while facilitating industries/business. To overcome the environmental hazard, green entrepreneurship came to light. The concept of green entrepreneurship came into existence from environmental hazards such as pollution, global warning, depletion of ozone layer, and climatic changes occurring due to disturbance within the ecosystem. This study also aims to analyze the relationship between entrepreneurship, transformation, and green development along with the relation between social, traditional entrepreneurship, and in-between institutions and industries.
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1. Introduction

Sustainable development is a development which fulfils the requirement of the current generation without harming the further generations. Sustainable development (SD) motivates everyone to preserve, safeguard and boost the resources. Each and every human being should have the basic needs i.e. employment, food, water, sanitation and energy. Plenty of definitions of SD exist. Trzyna, in 1995 defined SD as Caring for the Earth (A. Jibril, 2011; Trzyna, T. C., 1995) aimed towards changing the quality of human life (A. Jibril, 2011). The spine of the sustainable development is social, economic and environment developments. The author Tarana A Chandel, defines sustainable development as 3P i.e. People, Profit and Planet. People, Profit and Planet relates to Social, Economic and Environment respectively. The first meeting regarding SD was held in 1987 and the report was published as “Our Common Future” from the World Commission on Environment and Development by Brundtland Commission (Rachel Emaet al, 2015; Keith Burgess, 2017). Green entrepreneurship is the action taken towards social and environment problems, upcoming with new technical ideas to implement and solve the related problems. These technical ideas are cost effective, support environment issues and at the same time balance economic sustainability at social level. Weather scientists made responsible to human being for climate change. The economic development is related with RE energy demand. Reduction in carbon emission itself is a challenging movement for businessman, private and government companies and also international organization globally. This challenge, impact and bearing capacity cannot be allocated evenly among different societies, countries and also generations. These challenges interconnected the duties and facilities given to human for survival and environment resources. In the last few decades, we see improvements in financial growth taking out 400 millions of people from poverty zone (Jennifer A. Elliott, 2013). Countries having financial growth are Russia, Brazil, India, China and the Global South (Jennifer A. Elliott, 2013). Now the scenario has changed. Low income countries especially Africa are successful in economic developments in trade and foreign investments. Difference in economic success between different countries is easily visible due to sustainable developments. Poverty has diverse paradigm beyond wealth; moral concern, human rights, peace and security. Work for poor for their better life should be global responsibility for the sustainable developments in future. Sustainability development is not only for poor people but for the global community with respect to environment hazard regarding climatic change (J. Mensah, 2019). The idea of green entrepreneurship came into existence from the ecosystem hazards or we can say disturbance in the environment regarding global warming, pollution in air, ozone layer and carbon dioxide emission all around due to fossil fuel. These hazards had brain washed the consumers toward ecosystem, making them more perceptive toward green and eco-friendly devices. This was the existence of emerging green market. This emerging market changed the human behaviour such as increased income of household women, values and also uplift in lifestyle. It showed improvements in business (private and government), designing new green products or re-designing the old products. This green market transformed into green supply chain management system (GSCMS), waste management system (WMS), changing the market policies. The motive of this chapter is to highlight progress on eco-system lifestyle of human globally, advancement in emerging technology, economic developments, sustainable developments goals, policies and green entrepreneurship.

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