Green Cloud Computing: Opportunities and Challenges

Green Cloud Computing: Opportunities and Challenges

Amit Kumar Tyagi, Aswathy K. Cherian, Shrikant Tiwari
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5247-2.ch012
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Green cloud computing has emerged as a critical area of research and development in response to the escalating environmental impact of traditional data centers. This chapter investigates the opportunities and challenges associated with the adoption of environmentally sustainable practices in cloud computing. The ever-growing demand for computational resources necessitates a paradigm shift towards more energy-efficient and eco-friendly solutions. The opportunities presented by green cloud computing lie in the potential to significantly reduce carbon footprints and energy consumption. The integration of renewable energy sources, energy-efficient hardware, and optimized resource allocation techniques contribute to minimizing the environmental impact of cloud infrastructure. Additionally, the implementation of virtualization and consolidation strategies enhances server utilization, further improving energy efficiency. However, the realization of these opportunities is accompanied by a set of challenges.
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1. Introduction To Green Cloud Computing

1.1 Overview of Green Cloud Computing

The idea behind “green cloud computing” is to reduce the negative impact on the environment and increase the efficiency of cloud computing systems. This programme aims to decrease the resource use and carbon footprint associated with cloud computing. Reducing the environmental impact of cloud services is the primary objective of green cloud computing (Li, G., Zhang, Z., Lin, K. J., & Zhong, L. 2011) (Beloglazov, A., & Buyya, R. (2010) (Mao, M., Zhang, S., & Chen, S., 2012). This is achieved via optimising resource management, using renewable energy sources, and using energy-efficient procedures. There are several important aspects and challenges in the field of green cloud computing:

  • Energy Efficiency: The idea of creating and running data centres in an energy-efficient way is fundamental to green cloud computing. Utilising energy-efficient hardware components, implementing better cooling systems, and optimising power distribution and utilisation are all part of the package. Improving resource utilisation and drastically reducing energy usage and consumption are both made feasible by virtualization technologies, which allow task consolidation onto a smaller number of physical servers.

  • Renewable Energy Integration: The use of renewable energy sources is key to green cloud computing's approach to powering data centres. Cloud providers may reduce their carbon footprint and reliance on fossil fuels by powering their operations with renewable energy. This includes solar, wind, hydroelectric, and similar technologies. Incorporating renewable energy sources into data centres requires careful planning, infrastructure design, and collaboration with energy providers.

  • Resource Optimization: Green cloud computing relies heavily on efficient management of resources. Energy-aware algorithms and policies can optimise power usage without sacrificing performance by dynamically allocating computer resources based on demand. Task scheduling, load balancing, and power management are some of the methods that may be used to achieve better resource utilisation and energy efficiency.

  • Lifecycle Management: Throughout the whole lifecycle of a cloud service—from production to operation to disposal—the idea of green cloud computing considers environmental impacts. It is essential to reduce electronic waste, use effective recycling and disposal methods, and use hardware components that are kind to the environment. Reducing the environmental effect of cloud services is possible through the adoption of circular economy principles, which promote the sustainable use of resources.

  • Environmental Metrics and Reporting: Precise monitoring and reporting of ecological impact metrics is important for environmentally conscious cloud computing. Using agreed metrics, we can assess and contrast the environmental performance of different cloud providers. Efficient use of power (PUE), carbon (CUE), and water (WUE) are a few examples of such measurement systems. With open and honest information, customers can make informed choices about the impact of cloud services on the environment.

  • Green Policies and Incentives: The involvement of governments and regulatory agencies in supporting eco-friendly cloud computing is important. Renewable energy sources and energy-efficient practices in the cloud can be promoted through financial incentives, new rules, and regulation. Possible strategies to promote the creation and maintenance of ecologically conscious cloud infrastructure include tax incentives, subsidies, and certification schemes.

Remember that green cloud computing has several benefits, such as reducing energy consumption, operational expenditures, carbon emissions, and having a positive impact on the environment (Srirama, S. N., & Buyya, R. 2012) (Zhan, J., Deng, X., et al., 2013). Businesses' attempts to meet their CSR requirements and achieve their broader sustainability objectives are both aided by this. With the continued growth of cloud computing, the adoption of ecologically conscious cloud computing practices is gaining prominence. Integrating energy-efficient technologies, renewable energy sources, resource optimisation, and responsible lifecycle management responsibilities pave the way for an IT sector that is more ecologically aware and sustainable through green cloud computing.

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